Page 65 of Mafia Angel

Something from when I was studying for the bar pops into my head as clearly it would if I were reading it out of a book. The American Bar Association rule one-point-seven on conflict of interest with a current client. Lawyers can't have sex with their clients unless they were already in a relationship before becoming their attorney. Since I only know Gabriele because of this case, that rules out— literally —the possibility for us. Unless…

“Do you remember what the ABA states for conflict of interest with a client?”

“There are several points, but I assume you mean the part about having sex with a client.”


“Vaguely. I assume it states only if the relationship predates the attorney-client relationship. I never imagined I’d need an attorney who wasn’t Uncle Massimo, and I doubt any client I might have had would be a concern.”

“Might have had? You make it sound like you’ll never practice.”

That derails where I wanted the conversation to go.

“While I know who might hire me, I also know no judge or jury is going to take me seriously.”

“You don’t know that. I sense you can be very persuasive.”

I smile, hoping that lightens his mood. He just nods. I persist.

“Are you sure we never had sex before going to your place?”

I cock an eyebrow, but this time he shakes his head.

“I’ve touched you. Tasted you. Regrettably, I know we didn’t at the club.”

“But we could have since we’re members of the same club.”

“Sinead, if anyone were to ask, they could easily say they’ve only seen me with one woman in the last year or so. She doesn’t fit your description. And even though I wear a mask and never undress, I don’t blend in. One look at you and me together, and people would know I haven’t been seeing you there.”

I sigh. I know he’s right. But I feel like the sex would be about more than just getting off. Even if it was rough and kinky fucking, I still feel like it would be more. It was the other night. I want it to be more, which is completely stupid and pointless right now.

“Sinead, if I thought there was any way around this, I would seize it. I already thought about using our mutual club membership while I waited for you in court yesterday and while you slept. It’s not worth the risk, considering what’s going on right now.”

“I know. I can’t believe I even considered it. That’s utterly out of character for me to dream of doing anything that could endanger an acquittal for a client.”

“I want you that much, too.”

I didn’t realize my shoulders were almost up to my ears. They droop as I concede. I’m not thinking clearly, anyway. They gave me a sedative last night just before they settled me into the room. I suspect there are some lingering effects since I feel a bit sluggish, too.

“Try to sleep some more.”

I curl up, and Gabriele adjusts the sheet and blanket over me. I feel like an idiot now, but when he kisses my temple, everything gets a bit better.

“If I come up with a way around it,piccolina, you’ll be the first to know.”


I barely get the word out around a yawn. I feel like a Mack truck ran over me again. I’m out within a minute or two.

* * *

As I come back to the land of the living, I feel something vibrating under my hand. I curl my fingers around the object and realize it’s my phone. My eyes snap open as I look down. I turn it over and see my boss’s number on the screen. I also notice it’s the middle of the afternoon. I’ve been asleep for another eight hours. Was it a sedative or a tranquilizer they gave me last night?

“Hi, Marta.”

“Hello. How’re you feeling?”

“Much better.”