She’s nothing like I expected. I had imagined a leather-clad domme. I had visions of a woman who would strip me down here, in the back of the restaurant, and force me onto my knees under the table to lick her cunt. Not that I would object if Mel asked me to do it. Above the delicious scents of the dinner and the pleasant light aroma of the flowers in the corner, the scent of her permeates my consciousness. Musky, sweet, fragrant, and hinting of secret depth.

My mouth waters and it has nothing to do with the food.

“You want to know about my bad behavior?” I tuck my finger under the collar of my shirt and give it a tug. Damn thing was custom made and it’s never felt this uncomfortably tight before. Will she reject me if she knows?

She leans forward a little. “Well, now I do. And don’t try to pretend you don’t have something very bad to share. I can see it in your face.”

She takes another sip of wine and I swear to god the movement of her lips against the rim of the glass does things to me. It’s been a long fucking time since something so simple moved me like that.

“Well...” I’m stalling. I already know what I want to tell her. I need to use the right words. “I’ve had a lot of females approach me. Particularly lately. Usually, I pretend I’m not aware of the passes they make at me. I make a few jokes, switch the subject, and that’s that. But two weeks ago, I was feeling restless.” That’s an understatement. Nothing was giving me the buzz I’ve been seeking. Not girls, not the success I’ve had at work, nor my business ventures. I suppose I’ve had to step back from the ruthless way I’ve been doing business in order to try to make myself more palatable. Maybe I’ve been missing the thrill of a cutthroat deal or a takeover.

Mel doesn’t say anything. She watches me and lifts a morsel of food to her mouth thoughtfully, like she’s weighing me up and hasn’t decided if she’s found me wanting yet.

Does she see it? What those other women see in me? I can’t tell.

“On that particular night, I was having a drink in a bar alone. I wasn’t really looking for anything. I just like the atmosphere of being out with other people.”

She says nothing. It’s a little unnerving.

“These two human women approached me. Very flirtatious. They were leaning close, letting me see right down their dresses. They asked me if I remembered them.”

Mel lifts a brow. “You knew them?”

I shake my head. “No. I’d never seen them before. They just wanted an in. I bought them a drink, because it’s clear that’s what they wanted. We flirted for a while. Then the blonde asked me if I was ready to take them home.”

If Mel is surprised, she says nothing. I thought I’d at least get a reaction.

“I told them I don’t take girls home. It’s not strictly true, but I don’t take complete strangers home. Too much access to my personal space. I told them they could follow me to my car, and I would drive them to their homes.”

“And did you?” Mel takes the final mouthful of her dessert and chews it slowly.

“Not right away.” I was proud of that moments ago. I thought this story was going to reveal how virile and masculine I am. My stamina, my sex appeal. Something. I think what it’s actually revealing is less positive, and I’m having trouble reading in her face exactly what that is.

“Uh huh.”

I clear my throat. “I’d taken the Chrysler that night, to drive myself. There’s not a lot of room in there, but somehow they managed to climb all over me.”

“I see.” Is that scorn in her voice?

“I’d parked in a dark spot and they were hot for it. Wanted me to fill them both. They took turns sucking me with the front seat reclined until I got sick of that and put them over the hood one by one.”

Mel lifts her cool gaze to meet mine. “And you thought that was wise, to be engaging in that sort of activity right before the election? In public?”

I laugh. “Of course not.”

“Then why did you do it?”

I thought I knew. I thought I had wanted to. Now I’m reflecting on it, I’m realizing I wasn’t that interested in the first place. In fact, by the end, I pretended to come on the ground rather than let them continue to choke down my cock. I sigh. “I’m not really sure.”

“Hmm.” She leans forward and places her chin on her hands thoughtfully. “Did you enjoy it?”

“Not really.” I flick a little bit of my dessert around my plate with the tip of my spoon rather than keep looking at her. Why do I feel so pathetic after recounting that? How did she get to the heart of it before I did?

After a while, Mel pushes aside her plate. “And you’ve never been dominated before?”

I look up. “No.”

“Then what made you seek it out?”