I nearly say Maurice convinced me, but she’s looking for a better answer. “I’m bored.” It surprises me. I wasn’t planning to be so honest with her. I can’t seem to help it.

Her brows shoot up. “Bored?”

I squirm in place. “That makes me sound spoiled, and I guess I am. I want to know if there’s more, you know?” I hope she does. I’m not sure I really do. I just have this feeling.

She seems to consider my words for a while.

“I think I know what you mean, yes.” Mel sets down her spoon. “And now I have two tasks for you before we meet again.”

My ears perk forward.

“I want your lists, of limits and desires. And I want you to do something you think will please me. When you’ve done those two things, I’ll accept another booking.”

My cock stirs in my trousers. Her no-nonsense tone of command is arousing. I grin confidently. “Well, in that case, I’d like to make another booking tomorrow night. It shouldn’t take me too long to do my homework.” I lean back in my chair and fold my hands behind my horns.

She snorts. “We will see.” She takes her phone out of her purse and glances down at it. “And now your time is up. Thank you for a lovely evening.”

I’m still off balance when she stands and pushes in her chair.

“Wait. We’re not going back to my hotel?” I scramble to stand.

“Not tonight.”

My jaw just about hits the floor. “I paid for tonight!”

She lifts her chin and glares right at me. “You paid for a domme and a domme is what you got. You’re not ready to play. Book me again when you are.”

She turns and walks out before I’ve collected my wits enough to come up with a response.

Fucking magic. My cock is swelling, my mouth is still watering for her, and I’m as hungry as if we hadn’t eaten. I haven’t felt this alive in months. Years!

She is exactly what I need.

I collapse into my chair and bring up the Monstrous Deals app, my mind still spinning.

Bullistic: what will please you, mistress?

It’s an age before she writes back.

Mel: it would be too easy if I told you, now wouldn’t it?

Mel: And I prefer My Lady.
