The waiter leaves, closing the door behind him. Jarradek lifts his spoon. “I hope you enjoy the food here. I chose this place because it’s a favorite of mine and of course, they’re very discreet.”

I lift my spoon and prod at the orange fluff. It squashes under my spoon, leaving me with the creamy soup. I take a small sip. My eyes widen. This is amazing. It’s creamy and rich, yet there’s a bite to it and just enough salt to make me go back for spoon after spoon until the entire tiny bowl is gone.

I look up to find Jarradek grinning. “The bisque is one of the best things on the menu.”

I flush. I should be more controlled. Perhaps cold, even.

He scrapes his spoon around his dish and finishes the last of his starter. “I hope you won’t mind if I tell you how beautiful you are.”

I nearly spit my soup back into my bowl. I suppose he must like the way I look well enough. He selected me from the app after all. I just thought it had more to do with me claiming to be a dominatrix, and less about my looks. I can’t believe anyone would choose me for my looks.

“I thought you’d be a little—” He breaks off.

I frown. “A little what?”

“A little sterner.” He laughs. “So far you don’t strike me as a very firm mistress. I’m not sure how you’re going to keep me in line!”

I set my spoon down carefully. Then I give him the look normally reserved for when my kids get out of bed for the fifth time in a single evening. “I can be stern. I haven’t agreed to play with you, yet. So, don’t make any assumptions.”

This gets more of a reaction than I expected. He seems to freeze for a moment. His nostrils flare. The tip of his tassled tail flicks above the surface of the table. Then he huffs out a long breath. “I very much hope you do. Very much.”

I lift a brow, trying to pretend I’m not desperate for the work. “We’ll see.” An idea occurs to me and I run with it, letting the power get to my head a little. “So tell me a dirty secret. Something naughty that you’ve never told anyone else before.”

Jarradek chuckles. “Apart from trying to hire you, you mean?”

I nod.

The waiter returns and leaves us with the second course. It looks like a thin slice of toast with some kind of pudding on top. I’m not really paying attention, though. Instead, I’m waiting for him to leave, so Jarradek will do as I asked him. I suddenly find myself very curious to know.



“Tell me something naughty you’ve never told anyone else before.” Mel’s little smile curves the corner of her lips before she looks back down at her plate. I catch it, though.

Sends a thrill through me and makes my tail flick.