Page 7 of LOT 62

“When have I ever wanted to party more than I wanted to be with you?” I raised a brow. “Even when we hated each other, we fucked with each other at parties. So fuck off and come here.”

Despite how hard he tried not to, he blushed a little more and my lips split into a smile I could no longer hold back. I laughed against his hair, pulling him in tight.

“Fuck you, Maddox.”

“I can’t help it,” I laughed, hugging him and loving how hard he hugged me back. “I love it when you get all embarrassed.”

“I’m not embarrassed,” he snapped.

“Yeah, you are.”

Devon pushed me away and headed to the fridge. Our trailer contained only second-hand furniture, but it worked fine. After the initial few weeks of hell living together, which was a clusterfuck of getting used to each other and fucking all the time, it took us a bit to settle into this new arrangement. We went from enemies to tense lovers, to roommates sharing a living space, so yeah, it took a bit to figure out how that looked for us. Meshing our personalities in one small space was a lot to handle.

What I wouldn’t give to go back to that now. We’d had way more time to spend here fighting and fucking until we crashed into bed, satisfied and exhausted. Now we crashed into bed, exhausted but unsatisfied. It sucked.

“You want a beer?” he asked me, standing in front of the fridge.

I shook my head. He stood there, contemplating if he wanted one while letting all the cold air out, but we both knew he’d turn down the beer and grab a popsicle from the freezer instead. He’d been eating those things for weeks, especially when it was hot at night. There was only one left, and I knew he’d eat it.

He grabbed the orange popsicle—nailed it—and sank down onto the couch. “Come here, Madd.”

I sat on the opposite end, leaning back against the arm to face him. He bent his legs up, faced me, and opened the popsicle, building up to say something. I was in no rush, ready to watch him struggle for words, so I kept my mouth shut and let him suffer on his own.

“Let’s hash our shit out. I miss you. You miss me. So what are we gonna do about it?” He slid that popsicle into his mouth and my eyes tracked the whole show.

“Try harder.” I shrugged. “We’re fine, Devon. We just need to make time for each other or some shit.”

“Some shit?” He sucked, distracting me. I’d wanted to have this conversation with him for weeks, and now that we were having it, my eyes were too focused on that icy treat being fucked in and out of his mouth like my cock wanted to be.

“I don’t fucking know, Devon. You’re all hot and horny over the shop, and I’m happy for you. Like fuck, you got your dream job, so enjoy it. I’m being weird about it, so I’ll just spend more time with you there, yeah?”

“Is that what you think?” he asked, pointing the treat at me. “You think I love that place more than you?”

Yes. “I didn’t say that. Stop putting words in my mouth.” He was such a dick sometimes. More so because he was right. “I’m just saying you dreamed of that job. You didn’t dream of me, so it’s fine for you to want it more.” Yet, it wasn’t fine because my feelings were hurt no matter how hard I told them not to be.

He licked the orange stick and shook his head at me. “You were my fucking nightmare, Maddox. Now you’re my wet dream. I love you more than that place and I want you more than anything. So fuck off about it. I know I need to do better.”

Yeah, but he had a shitty way of showing me I meant more. “Just come home at night. That’s all I want.”

Devon nodded. “I know. I promise. At least you don’t have to worry about me getting hit on by a bunch of other assholes,” he scoffed, letting that insecurity out again.

I rolled my eyes for two reasons. One, this conversation was supposed to be about us and spending time together, but he morphed it into jealousy, just like the twat he was. Two, he was around half-dressed people on boats all day long. Of course I had to worry about that shit, but I trusted him. For some crazy reason, I believed in us, and I loved him enough not to bring it up.

“First, Jeff and his abs, and now Tom and his…” He looked at me.

“His what?”

“He’s young and hot, and he’s cocky as shit. He’d try to take you from me!”

Tom was a nerdy idiot who worked out to handle his anxiety. I glared at him as he sucked that fucking popsicle, his lips suctioning around the length of it and the juice dripping down his chin. Goddamn you, Devon.“Goes to show how much faith you have in us if you think some young fuck can break us up.”

Devon groaned, blushed, sucked, and glared all at once. “I’m just being dumb.”

“Yeah, you are. And he’s not that much younger than us, so stop being a dick. I don’t want him or Jeff. They aren’t even gay. What have I ever done to make you feel like there’s anything I want from someone else? Seriously, tell me, because I’m fucking sick of you being all insecure.”

He nodded at my lap. “Got hard while talking about them.”

I shook my head at him in exasperation. “You’re such a fuckup, Devon.”