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“I can see it!” he shouted. His foot came between my legs to rub my cock through my motocross pants. “You have a hard dick.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “From you!You and your fucking popsicles! Why do you have to eat those things every night, taunting me with them?”

He licked it.

“I’m gonna kill you.”

He sucked it.

“Not even just with the damn ice pops. All the fucking time. You move, I want to fuck you. You smile, I want to hug you. You challenge me, I want to kill you. There is no in-between with you. I love you so much I hate you. So stop being a dick, stop being insecure, stop comparing yourself to the assholes I work with, and get some fucking confidence. You’re hot shit, Devon. My dick is hard because of you.” I huffed.

Devon slowly sucked the thing, staring at me.

“Don’t push me right now,” I warned.

“You always yell these nice things at me in the most asshole-ish way.” He set the popsicle in a glass on the coffee table. “You tell me you love me while calling me a dumb fuck.”

“I do and you are.”

He straddled my lap, arms around my neck. “You’re a dick and I love you for it.” He kissed my neck with cool lips. “And I’m sorry.”

“For what?” I grabbed his hips, needing to hold onto him.

“For being jealous. For questioning everything all the time. For not being home enough. For neglecting you. For all of it.” He pulled back to look at me. “You’re everything to me, Madd, and I’m sorry I keep messing up.”

Wekept fucking up. There were no two ways about it, but if he wanted to take all the blame, I’d let him. For now.




My eyes opened, blinking rapidly a few times in the early morning light. My first thought when I realized Devon wasn’t in bed with me was that he left the stove on again before going to work. My second thought was that this asshole was trying—but failing—to do something nice for me. That was confirmed when I heard him curse the damn toaster like it was out to get him.

Seriously? This dumbass couldn’t even handle a toaster? Who had I tethered my life to? I really needed to reconsider my life choices.

But when I took a minute to think it all through, I couldn’t come up with anyone better for me than Devon. Were there better people with more life skills, superior time management, and less of an anger problem? Sure. But those people wouldn’t excite me like Devon did. He was a fuckup of mass proportions, but he wasmyfuckup and I wouldn’t want him any other way.

I stretched out in bed, knowing I should probably get up and help him before he burned the whole place down, but lying here listening to him panic, curse, and freak out was just too damn amusing. He ate my mom’s shitty dinners because he was a worse cook than she was. Devon couldn’t even boil water without messing it up, and trust me, we’d fought about it. He hated that I could do it better than him, so he roughed me up every time I did. I’d never stop, though.

He sucked at a lot of things, and even though it meant I’d forever have to pick up his slack, I was happy to do it because he fuckingtried. He tried so hard. Like shit, he was out there right now trying to make some surprise breakfast while screwing it all up, getting pissed, and probably breaking the toaster, but at least he was doing it. It showed he cared, even if he couldn’t pull it off and I’d have to spend the next half hour calming him down. Hell, I wasn’t perfect at many things either.

“Fuck this fucking toaster!” Devon shouted, and something banged.

I smiled at the fan, resting my arms behind my head to enjoy the audio of his chaotic mess.

“And fuck this bread! Fuck this outlet! Fuck you, toaster setting one!One?Fuck that!”

What a dipshit. I laughed out loud, but tried to hide it because these walls were paper thin.

“Maddox!” Devon yelled as another burst of laughter left me. “I fucking heard that!”

I pictured him out there looking all hot and angry. His blond hair would be a mess from running his fingers through it, his chest would be sweaty with panic, and his cheeks would be flushed from frustration. This was the real Devon. Not ‘tough guy Devon’ or ‘best competitor Devon’, just the Devon who sucked at everything. This Devon was an epic failure at mundane tasks, but who tried them anyway because he was a goddamn sweetheart. He hid his sweet side, even from me, but that’s exactly why he did all this and then brushed it off like it was no big deal.

It meant the world to me.

“Get out here, Maddox. You’re eating this shit!” he shouted with all the rage of an angry bull.