“I bet he misses you too,” Chloe said. “You have come so far, so quickly, but there is still a long way to go.”
Scarlett swallowed, her eyes starting to burn with unshed tears.
“I don’t know Linc all that well, but from what I’ve heard, he seems a pretty good guy.” Chloe caught Scarlett’s gaze. “Each of you deserves to be happy, and you might find a lot of happiness being together.”
“You really think so?”
“I know twin flames when I see them.” Chloe smiled. “Go get him.”
Scarlett was up out of her seat before she could talk herself out of it. After sprinting out the café door, she paused to see which way he had gone. She spotted his ginger hair easily a few shops away and took off after him. She didn’t know what she would say or do, only that she had to tell him how she felt.
He turned around and had to catch her when she didn’t stop fast enough and just barely avoided splashing his coffee.
She rested her arms on his and sensed his strength and warmth around her. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I caught you,” he replied, his arm still firmly planted around her waist.
“I mean I’m sorry about what happened. What I said and how I acted.”
“Oh.” Linc gazed into her eyes like he wanted to escape into them. “I’m sorry too.”
“I’ve missed you so much.” Scarlett moved farther into his embrace and curled her fingers into the hair at the back of his neck. “Have you missed me, too?” she whispered, her gaze fixed on his mouth.
His reply was a slow, tender kiss that said just how he felt more than any words could.
Being with him was like coming home for Scarlett. With Linc she was safe, protected, and adored for who she truly was. She understood that now and never wanted to lose it again.
“I love you Scarlett,” he said the words against her lips and took her hands in his. Everything she wanted to hear was in his voice, and everything she needed to see was in the intensity of his eyes. “You are the most beautiful woman I know and it kills me that you don’t see how stunning you are. Inside and out.” He kissed her knuckles.
“I’ve been working on it. I’m doing a lot of yoga and getting therapy.” Her voice was full of hope.
He brushed his fingers over her cheek. “We’re one now. You and me.” He kept his eyes on hers. “You insult yourself then you might as well be insulting me, too So please go easy on yourself. On us. Okay?”
“Okay.” She promised.
He crushed his lips to hers, parting them and delving deep for a long kiss that set her pulse racing.
Scarlett peeked through the curtains when she heard Linc pull up that evening. Pre-performance nerves tickled her spine, and she glanced around, making sure the scene was perfect.
Several candles were alight around the living room. The furniture had been pushed to the sides, creating an empty space in the middle.
Holding her silk dressing gown closed at the middle, she opened the door and ushered him in.
“Hi. What’s this?” A grin started to spread across his face as he took in the candles and the music.
Scarlett touched her hair, carefully wrapped up in a bun. “I want to show you something.” She moved into his arms and kissed him gently.
The sweet kiss soon turned deeper. Linc’s hand slipped inside her dressing gown and slid against the satin negligee. Already her nipples—and more—were aching for his touch. He could turn her on in a heartbeat.
Panting, she moved out of his touch and directed him to a seat. “I want to show you the real me.”
He sat in the chair while she changed the music to a piano sonata. Then she removed the dressing gown to reveal the silver satin negligee and white pointe shoes.
She moved across the floor, slowly and seductively. Her body warmed, and the glow she always felt when she danced spread through her.