It had been on Linc’s mind to ask Scarlett, but he hadn’t known if it was too soon or not to do so. Then she looked at him, and he knew he wanted her by his side. “Will you come? As my date?”
She smiled and nodded at him. “I’d love to.” Then she turned to Greer and thanked her for including her.
“It’s going to be such a great day.” Hamish hugged his son and fiancée together. “I can’t wait.”
Scarlett watched the exchange between Hamish and Greer. The love between them was obvious and caused a great stirring in Scarlett’s heart. She had been alone most of her life and was so used to her lifestyle that she wasn’t sure she could live any other way.
But she would be lying if she thought seeing this happy family together didn’t make her reconsider her opinion.
“Would you like to hold him?” Greer asked. She must have noticed the way Scarlett was watching them, letting herself imagine a life like theirs.
Scarlett was just about to make up an excuse when Greer held the baby out to her, giving her no option but to take the bundle of warmth.
Greer advised her how best to hold Caleb and soon Scarlett found herself in a not terribly uncomfortable position with Caleb’s short legs straddling her hips while her hands cradled his neck.
The baby stared intently at her. Scarlett stared back at him, taking in his chubby cheeks and big brown eyes. He really was a beautiful thing. Not that Scarlett had much experience with little kids. With no siblings or friends with children, she was limited in her experience with and knowledge of them. All her students were school-aged—walking, talking little people. Not babies who relied on adults to provide for and look after them.
But this curious little chap seemed content to play the staring game, even giving her a smile and a giggle, which tugged at her heartstrings.
Scarlett turned to see Linc deep in conversation with Hamish. Was he like his friends and ready to settle down and have a family of his own?
He caught her eye and smiled at her, his face giving nothing away. What would it be like to be a mother? To bring a baby of her own into the world?
Scarlett pushed the thoughts aside as Caleb started to fuss, and Greer took him off for a nap. Standing, she brushed down her shorts and joined the men, who were busy at the barbecue.
Sausages and steak sizzled on the grill. The smell drifted to her on the breeze.
“How do you like your steak?” Hamish asked, pointing to a large chunk of meat.
“Wow, I’m not going to be able to get through all that!” she said honestly while trying not to sound ungrateful.
Linc wrapped his arm around her waist. “Don’t worry. I’ll gladly finish off whatever you don’t eat.”
“I’ll go get the plates,” Hamish said. He handed Linc the tongs and made his way back into the loft.
Linc turned Scarlett in his arms so she could see his handsome face. “Sorry about putting you on the spot like that about the wedding.” His voice was gentle and smooth. “You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”
“Are you taking back your invitation?” she teased.
“Not at all. I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
She kissed his lips lightly. “Thank you for that. But I do want to come. It’ll be fun.”
He kissed her again. “Guess that makes us a real couple then,” he murmured against her ear. “Never been one of those before.”
“I’m pretty new at this too,” she breathed out the words as she captured his mouth and kissed him. Heat and need built quickly through her.
Hamish politely cleared his throat and Scarlett broke the kiss. Her cheeks reddened with embarrassment. “Sorry.”
“No need to be sorry,” Greer said as she placed the salad on the table. “We’re so thrilled for you two. You make such a great couple.”
Scarlett looked at Linc and saw the adoration in his eyes.
She was so happy. She had never allowed herself to be happy like this before. She really did hope she wouldn’t screw it up.
Scarlett studied herself in the full-length mirror. The colour was nice but was that fat bulging out of the back bodice?