He sighed loudly as he entered her tight, slick pussy, and she arched her back as he entered even farther. It was as if their souls, as well as their bodies, were joining while he moved inside her, bringing them both quickly to climax.
Hers came first, hard and fast, and she clamped her eyes shut. Her whole body shuddered with release and she gripped him so hard he thought for sure her fingers would leave a mark. She might break him in two. It felt as if she were bursting apart at the seams.
Light flared behind his shuttered eyes as his own orgasm shattered him.
Spent, he collapsed against her and pressed a kiss to her cheek. She opened her eyes and stared straight into his. Pushing her hair from her face, he smiled at her.
“That was ...” She sighed as if she couldn’t find the words.
“Fucking amazing is what that was,” he said before rolling onto his back beside her.
She curled up against Linc, her long legs tangling with his. His arm slid around her, pulling her against his chest.
She smelled good. Right. Perfect. He could feel her heart pounding against her rib cage. His was going crazy, too.
Their hearts were beating a staccato dance together.
As the weeks passed, Scarlett and Linc fell into a happy rhythm. Instead of partying, Linc found himself spending his precious spare time with Scarlett and discovered joy in the simplest of activities such as evening strolls between the sprawling dairy farms or visits to their favourite beach at Caloundra.
Trivia night at the pub had become a regular occurrence for the happy couple and Linc had taken great joy in introducing Scarlett to his friends. On their most recent outing, Hamish and Greer had invited them to a Sunday afternoon barbecue at their place so they could all get to know Scarlett better.
“How old is the baby?” Scarlett asked as she clutched a bowl of salad in her hands and followed Linc from his car to the building that housed the coffee roastery Hamish had become famous for.
“He’s about six months old I think.” Linc got the words out just before Hamish’s huge brown dog let out a loud howl and wandered over for a sniff.
“Hello, Hercules.” Linc scratched the dog behind the ear, right where he knew he liked it. Herc sat on his haunches and leaned into Linc’s hand, his tongue rolling out in bliss.
A screen door opened, and Hamish appeared, followed closely by Greer, who was holding a bundle of happy baby on her hip.
Greetings were exchanged and Hamish took the salad from Scarlett. “I’ll pop this in the fridge upstairs.” He gestured to a staircase. “You guys go around back and I’ll meet you there soon.”
Greer led the way, Herc following close behind.
Greer bounced her son on her knee as she and Scarlett chatted as though they had been friends forever.
“What’s his name?” Scarlett asked, and Linc noticed her hands clenched together in her lap. Her apprehension around the baby was obvious, and Linc wondered if this would always be the case, or if she simply needed more time to feel comfortable.
“This is Caleb.” Greer kissed his head which had a great deal of fine brown hair covering it.
“He’s growing up so quick,” Linc said as Hamish handed him a beer.
“Sure is.” Hamish grinned. “He’ll be joining us on the golf course in no time!”
“Don’t get too ahead of yourselves, boys.” Greer laughed. “The way he’s taken to Freya’s horse makes me think he might be more into equestrian than golf.”
“Freya thinks he should ride in to the wedding. Really make an entrance,” Hamish said.
“It certainly would. I hope someone leads the horse.” Linc smiled.
Greer laughed. “As best man, I think that responsibility will fall to you.”
Linc turned to Scarlett, who had a blank expression on her face. “These two are getting hitched in a month at Emerald Hills. That’s the dairy farm where Greer grew up before heading overseas to cook at some of the best restaurants in Europe.”
Scarlett’s jaw dropped open. “Oh, wow. Congratulations. How exciting.”
Greer reached over and placed a hand on Scarlett’s knee. “You will come, won’t you?”