Page 97 of Bully Roommate

His mossy gaze caught mine at the same time Derek turned and lunged at him.

Chapter Thirty-Two


The dingy gas station stood attached to an abandoned garage and sat back from the main road meant for truckers at one point in time. After stopping by a drive-thru, India raced down the swirly road out of town toward a forgotten-about and hidden garage. I kept my distance so she didn’t get suspicious and parked on the side of the road by the driveway.

I only had seconds before she’d be inside, so I hauled ass toward her. A million different scenarios played out in my head, none of them ended well, but I had to try.

She heard the crunch of the rocks beneath my shoes, turned and I sideswiped her. I’d never hit a woman in my life, but this cunt needed more than a tackle.

“Oh my God!” she squeaked but stopped when she realized who hit her. Her eyes rounded, and her lips opened in a surprised look.

Keeping her beneath me, I entrapped her wrist above her head and noticed her struggle to get a stun gun from her purse scattered beside us.Perfect, now I have some leverage.

I snatched it and pressed the button, watching the electricity zap and India grow scared. “You’re not going to get away with this—,”

I pressed the black tip to her side and shocked her. I stopped her scream with my palm. “Good,” I said. “It works. Get up.”

Tears ran down her face as she crawled to her feet, and I held no sympathy for her. Two burgers and fries littered the ground below us with the contents of her purse surrounding it. Funnily, all her belongings looked normal. Like she was some normal girl that wasn’t involved in whatever this was.How did she get involved in this? Why? Why would she befriend Josie only to stab her in the back?

“Tell me, India,” I said, gripping her arm in my palm. “Are you screwing Derek? Is that why you’re helping him prostitute Josie? I want to believe he’s forcing you, but after that conversation with King, I don’t think that’s it.”

The moonlight around us drew shadows over her face, making her look less like the fairy she normally did, and more sinister. “What can I say? It runs in the family.”

The family? Derek is her family?I tried to make a physical connection in my brain but what did it even matter? “Does he know you’re here?”

She didn’t answer.

I pressed the stun gun against her again and she said, “No, he doesn’t.”

I wasn’t stupid enough to think I could fight them both off with a stun gun. I needed something else and had nothing. Walking her back toward her car, I forced her into the driver’s seat and stood where she couldn’t close the door. “Do you have a gun?”

She shook her head.

Glancing in the backseat, I noticed a bat.It’s better than nothing. At that moment I wished I’d let Jordan or Frankie come with me. India got up willingly when I walked her back toward the door.

Her cell phone lit up from the ground and I shoved her toward it. “Tell him you’re outside.”

India answered. “I’m outside.”

She hung up before he could respond. Bracing myself, I held India in front of me, pulling her toward the side of the door into the shadows. My heartbeat rattled against my ribs. The door opened loudly, and Derek walked out into the night.

“Where have you been—,”

I gave him no chance to speak, the sound of his voice sent rage into my body, and I swung the bat against his face. He fumbled toward the side of the building, holding his head as blood squirted down his face.

India squealed but didn’t try to run.Good, I’d catch her.

“Get up,” I said.

Derek looked dazed as I shoved him through the door, and then India.This is a bad ideataunted me but knowing Josie was inside the building made any rational thought vanish.

Josie stood in what looked like an office, staring at us through the glass windows with her palm wrapped around her mouth. Tears threatened my eyes, and I felt my resolve slip, I wanted to run to her and care for her, but Derek turned and tackled me.

My bat clanked against the cement, India’s footsteps sounded against the floor as she ran outside, and disappeared.

I knew she couldn’t call the police, but I didn’t know if she would call for backup or not. I hit the cement with a heavy thud, Derek on top of me, his blood dripping down his chin and a crazed look in his eyes.