Page 98 of Bully Roommate

Blood filled my mouth with every land of his fist on my face. Memories of this moment surfaced, that determined look on his face and the stars that bounced around my vision.

The little boy in me cowered away, shaking and crying like he had all those years ago. This time I wasn't afraid, I had people to live for, and I had a life worth saving.

Not this time, jackass.

I wasn’t that helpless little boy anymore. Swinging my body, I pushed him off and entrapped him between my legs beneath me. The salty taste of blood sloshed in my mouth, but adrenaline took my pain away.

My fist connected with Derek’s jaw, a loud sound echoed against the walls, but I couldn’t stop. I hit him over and over, hearing glass shattering in the distance, it didn’t deter me from seeing this bastard dead.

I wanted him dead.

Dead for breaking my spirit at thirteen. Dead for hurting my mother, hurting my family. Dead for everything, he did to every girl including my Josie. My sweet Josie—

Hands tugged at my shoulder, pulling me from what seemed to be an unconscious Derek, and back onto my shins. Through teary, anger-filled eyes, I glanced up at Josie. I hadn’t realized the sound was her breaking the glass with a chair, or that she’d even run toward me.

“Maverick,” she whispered, cupping my face. “You saved me.”

I didn’t respond with words, because they’d escaped me, I pulled her face down and kissed her. Tears mixed with blood in my mouth, but I couldn’t stop. Feeling her with me, against me, in front of me, felt like a dream. Josie sank to her knees, kissing me back, her hands in my hair while she blubbered into our kiss.

“We need to call the cops,” she whispered. “I’m safe. Call the cops.”

Swallowing all my emotions, I pulled out my phone and dialed 911. Five minutes later, the police arrived with plenty of backup and an ambulance. There were over fifteen girls pulled out from rooms in the back. Most looked dirty, with ratted clothes and bare feet. One stopped in front of Josie and cried.

I could only imagine the feeling of relief they felt for the police showing up.

“He did save you,” she whispered to her.

Josie grinned. “He saved us.”

A red-haired girl walked up slowly, wrapped in a blanket, and holding a bottle of water. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

Josie shrugged. “You didn’t know. I can only imagine how many girls just knew someone would come to save them, and no one did.”

The redhead looked up at me with a smile. “Thank you.”

Even though I’d only had Josie on my mind, numerous girls would be able to go home because of this. “You’re welcome.”

After what felt like hours of questions, and going down to the station, the police finally let us go. They assured us Derek wouldn’t get out for a while, and that he’d told them where all the girls were located.

Josie and I stepped out into the sunlight, her small hand wrapped around mine. “I know you’re probably tired,” I said. “But I need to go do something. You want to come with me?”

Her heavy-lidded gaze said no, but she smiled. “Yeah.”

We drove toward Zachary in mostly silence. The air seemed heavy with the events from the night before, and all I wanted to do was take her home and hold her tight. Love her. Kiss her. But, I promised my mom I would bail her out.

She followed me into the police department where they directed me to a bail bondsman. After an hour of filling out an application and paying my down payment, I met my mother in front of the jailhouse.

I felt the need to be embarrassed of her, but Josie knew her lifestyle and didn’t seem surprised when I walked her around to the passenger door. Josie scooted into the middle, and my mother’s small frame crawled into the passenger side.

I jumped into the driver’s seat and slammed the door.

Mom looked over at Josie, and then at me. “You found her.”

I nodded, lacing my fingers with Josie. “This is my girlfriend, Josie. This is my mother, Sherri.”

Josie offered her hand.

Mom looked down at it reluctantly but carefully shook it. Tucking her hair behind her ears, she let out an unsteady breath. “So, I’m guessing Derek was arrested?”