Page 62 of Bully Roommate

Embarrassment climbed my throat.

“But, don’t be embarrassed. I did much worse when I was in college. I’ll see you Thursday, Josie.Behave.”

I shamefully walked over to the cafeteria to grab dinner after Derek’s late class. If being eyeballed all class period with sneers wasn’t enough, my professor heard me moaning in the library.

Speaking of the culprit of my embarrassing public display of affection. I pulled out my phone and saw a text from Maverick.

Maverick:Got off early. Want to grab some dinner at the cafeteria?

Me:I’m on my way.

Maverick sat in the back booth alone when I scooted in beside him. His plate of spaghetti smelled good, so I snagged a piece of his garlic bread from his plate. He grinned and shoved his shoulder against mine. “How was interning with Mr. Swoony?”

I chuckled and took a bite of mashed potatoes. “Is that what we’re calling him now? You’ve met him?”

“No, heard some girls talking about him in History today.”

“His entire class was female. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Maverick laughed. “Well, when you got it, you got it.” He winked at me. “I would know.”

I eyed him. “He called me out about the library. Someone noticed it was you in the piece I brought to class, and he mentioned it.”

Maverick palmed my thigh. “Too bad he came so soon or I’d done more than that.”

I was imagining ten different scenarios ofjust thatwhen Jordan slid into the booth across from us. “Being seen together in public, what a big giant leap for mankind,” he said.

Maverick tossed a meatball at his face. “Piss off. I was enjoying myself until you showed up.”

Jordan pushed his sandy hair from his eyes and grinned. “Oh crap,” he mumbled. “Here she comes. Chick is dogging me.”

I glanced over my shoulder at Waverly walking toward our table with a girl who looked familiar from Derek’s class.

“Hey Jordan,” Waverly stopped, her tone clipped. “Is your cell not working? I’ve called you like ten times today, and texted.”

Maverick grinned behind his drink.

“I’ve been busy, woman. Chill out,” Jordan said, nonchalantly.

Waverly looked offended while I avoided eye contact with her friends. “You’re Josie from Professor Howard’s class, right?”

She twirled her red hair around her finger, and I didn’t like the eager look in her eyes.

“That’s me,” I said.

She swayed on her feet. “So, you spend time with him? Is he single? I mean, God, the man is delicious. I can hardly stand to be in the same room as him.”

I glanced up at her, catching Waverly’s sneer. “Yep, he’s a looker.”

Red’s gaze slid over to Maverick and a smirk formed. “Not as cute as your friend here. This is the one that you drew the painting of, right?”

She intended to embarrass me. “Yeah, this is the one.”

She crossed her arms. “You never answered our question in class. Are you like crushing on him or something?”

Or something.

Maverick turned and braced his forearm behind my head. His dark hair fell into his eyes and his jawline twitched from annoyance. “More like I’m crushing on her. We just became official.”