Page 63 of Bully Roommate

Red smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes.

Waverly sighed as if she was annoyed. “Jordan are you coming to the football mixer this Thursday? I need a date.”

Jordan cringed, begging us for help with a pleading stare. Maverick just grinned, not giving him an out. “I warned him,” Maverick whispered.

“Please,” she begged.

“Okay,” he said defeated. “Whatever.”

Waverly jumped and pranced away from our table, her friend behind her. “You two need to pick up on social cues.”

Maverick shrugged. “I warned you about her.”

Jordan mumbled something to himself, while I looked up at Maverick. “You didn’t have to say that if you didn’t—,”

He pressed his lips against mine. “I meant it.”

I couldn’t stop the giddy smile from breaking out.

I have a boyfriend.

“Speaking of the mixer, you want to go with me? One of the fraternities holds it for the football players. Just dinner and drinks. I think there is a big party afterward.”

I shrugged. “I guess if you want me to. I get paid this week, so I can buy myself a new dress.”

Maverick’s gaze dropped to my legs. “Show a little leg, will you? I’ve always loved your legs.”

I smirked. “If you’re good—maybe.”

After dinner, I spent two hours working on homework and helping Frankie with his. The kid was smart but Baton Rouge was ahead of Zachary academically, which put him behind. With my music on, I lay on my belly, listening to the radio and humming along as I answered the end-of-chapter questions for History.

Maverick’s shadow fell over me and he trailed his index finger up the back of my shorts and grabbed the nape of my neck. “Sweet Little Josie, always studying.”

I chuckled and felt my body heat when he straddled my hips, pinning me against the bed. I laughed, turning to look at him over my shoulder. “Naughty Maverick, never studying.” He laughed. “Do you ever do your homework?”

He kissed my neck and rolled off to the side of me. “I do it during the day when I have a chance. I like to relax at night. Ouch,” he said, grabbing beneath my pillow. He pulled out my Kindle and I tensed.

Please don’t look at that.

He smirked and turned it on, swiping through my growing romance collection. He lifted a brow. “Wow, Josie,” he whispered, eyeing me. “What have you been dreaming about over here? I haven’t seen one cover without a naked guy on it.” He stopped on one, and I tried to grab it but he jerked away and stood to his feet with a smile. “This guy—this guy is a stripper. You into that, Jose?”

“Oh my God, stop it,” I hissed, hiding my face in my pillow. “Give it back.”

Maverick tossed my Kindle back against my pillow and walked around slowly, pulling his t-shirt from his body, he started dancing against me. “If Josie wants a stripper, I can be a stripper.”

“No!” I shouted, trying to hide, but peeking through a curtain of hair while he ground against me.

It is a sight to see.

Maverick jumped back on me and started dancing against my ass. His laughter filled the room and eased the stress off my back. It was a complete one-eighty from the person I’d known in high school. From the person at the beginning of the semester. He seemed fun—funny—and gave me a glimpse of who he was deep down.Maybe the counseling session helped?

“You guys need your own apartment.”

Maverick stopped assaulting me and glanced over his shoulder at Frankie, who wore a disgusted look on his face.

“You need to learn to knock,” Maverick said.

Frankie cringed. “I just wanted to know if I could have the last brownie.”