Page 4 of Crazy Stupid Sex

Damn.Sex was starting to get boring. That made him feel hollow inside. He knew he was hollow inside, but he didn’t like to feel it.

The Awkward Girl wasn’t boring. She was weird. But she wasn’t boring. Sex with her? He couldn’t predict that.

What would she do? What would she say?

He couldn’t even guess.

Caleb got up from his table and walked across the bar, his eyes on her. She was trying to get her shoe back on now, and she was oblivious to the fact that she’d lost her audience.

She looked up, her hair spilling over her shoulders, all glossy and sexy, her lips drawn into a pout.

For the first time since he’d seen her,hotsurpassedweirdas his primary descriptor. Her eyes were still on the guy who was now very much trying not to look at her. He’d never seen a woman as pretty as her strike out so hard so many times in a row.

“Can I buy you a drink?” he asked.

She looked up and her eyes went wide. “Me?”

“Yes, you.”

“I had one.”

“Only one?” he asked. He’d sort of imagined she was a little tipsy. If she was sober then she was extra weird.

“Yeah, just the one. I didn’t want to get drunk.”

“No, I can see why you wouldn’t,” he said.

“I was talking to Jeff here,” she said, looking back at the man who was no longer looking at her.

“You were done talking to Jeff,” Caleb said. “Or rather, I think he was done talking to you.”

“I think he’s playing hard to get,” she said, arching a brow.

“I think he can hear you,” Caleb said.

The woman stepped away from the bar and lowered her voice. “Well, he was.”

“People like him don’t play hard to get,” Caleb said.

“People like him?”

“Yes. There is a certain kind of person in here who wants one thing. Jeff is one of those people. That woman over there,” he gestured to the blonde he’d noticed earlier, “is one of those people. What they want is to have sex. They came here to hook up, so playing hard to get is antithetical to that goal.”

“You think so?”

“I know so, Evie.”

She frowned. “How do you know my name?”

“Evie, Evie James, you’ve introduced yourself very loudly to several men in here since I walked in. I observed.”

“Well…I…I…that’s just annoying,” she said. “Eavesdropping, I mean. Eavesdropping is annoying.”

“This is where you ask my name,” he said.

She squinted. “I’m not sure it is.”

“Yes, it’s polite. Caleb Anderson. And your pickup techniques aren’t working.”