Page 5 of Crazy Stupid Sex

“I don’t actually care. I mean on an emotional level.”

He didn’t believe her. “Me either. About anything. But why are you working so hard to pick up a guy if you don’t care?”

“I’m doing research,” she said, her tone sharp. “For an app.”

“An app?” he asked, interested now.

“I’m an app developer, that’s what I do.”

“See?That’sinteresting. Your heel blisters aren’t.”

Freckled cheeks turned deep red. “But they hurt.”

“Sorry. Want me to rub ointment on them?”

“Having a man rub ointment on your feet is nowhere in the guidelines.”


“I have these guidelines. I’m using them to make the app. ForFlirtmagazine. It’s a companion app to your favorite dating app. The whipped cream for your pie, so to speak.”


“No, no, it’s smart, because sure you can swipe…right or left or whatever.” She frowned. “Which way do you swipe?”

“I don’t know,” he said, blandly.

He knew.

“Anyway, this is to help add some quality to the experience. Some…flare. Some…sexual…spice.”

Now, that was a twist he couldn’t have foreseen. Granted it wasn’t the world’s biggest coincidence. This bar was right in the middle of the tech nexus in the city and adjacent to a lot of media companies. This bar was the go-to for professionals looking for fuck around after hours.

He’d been in a meeting with his dad before coming here, which had him on edge. That he was getting assigned to Flirt’s operations made this meeting with Evie feel like fate. Except he didn’t believe in fate, God or anything adjacent to it because the world wasn’t magic. Far from it.

But that she was doing a job for a magazine that was part of his father’s towering media empire was weird. Not that Flirt was a huge part of it anymore, which was likely why his dad was shuffling him there. It wasn’t what it had once been. And apparently this was an attempt at fixing that. An app. Telling women they needed to be prettier or bolder or able to swallow a whole banana.

In fairness, he had a soft spot for Flirt. If he thought his father was at all observant of him as a human being he’d have thought perhaps that’s why he was being given oversight on the magazine.

It had been enlightening to him as a teenage boy discovering women. He’d read all of it. Tips for earth shattering orgasms and different sexual technique. Only a very, very stupid man would turn away from information like that. He’d never understood the psychology at sneering at traditionally female media, when there was so much to be gleaned from it.

Though when he was a douchey teenage boy what he’d really liked to do with the magazine was read embarrassing parts out loud to his sister.

It never failed.

He couldn’t think of his dad, the company, any of it, without it leading back to Jill.

He and Jill should have been in line to share running the company. Now it would be his someday as the sole surviving heir.

The connection almost sent him walking back the other way. But it wasn’t like Evie worked directly for Flirt. It didn’t have to come up at all.

He didn’t need any emotional baggage; he just needed a little fun.

But Evie James was interesting. And the desire to be interested was stronger than the desire to turn away.

“The women’s magazine with all the sex tips?” he asked, like he didn’t know.

“Yeah,” she said. “That’s the one.” She leaned in, one eyebrow arching. “And I’ve been reading up.”