Page 20 of Crazy Stupid Sex

She would focus on that. Not the morning after. Morning afters were supposed to suck, but if the night before was awesome enough, who cared?

Yes, Monday she had to go back to business as usual. No one would ever know about this. But she would know. She would know, and she was determined to hold onto only the good stuff.

And the good stuff was legendary. His hands between her thighs, his fist wrapped around her hair…oh yes, there was a lot of good to take away.

So she would leave the bad stuff, the regret, the embarrassment, here. She’d had enough of that to last a lifetime. She was moving on, a new, properly ravished person.

The car she’d ordered finally wound up the drive and to the front of the house. She looked back and saw that the windows were still dark, no sign of Caleb rousing evident.

“Goodbye, Caleb Anderson,” she whispered before she got into the car, “thanks for the good times. And thanks for proving my app a success.”

* * *

“Evie, you better get out here.”

“What?” Evie looked up from the instant noodles she was eating at her desk, and at Raj, one of her interns.

“There’s someone here who says that he’s fromFlirt.Or higher up, actually. And that he’s here to start…overseeing the app development.”

“What?” she slammed the foam cup down on her desk and stood up quickly, feeling a slight head rush. She blinked rapidly and tried to make the room stop swimming. “Why would they send someone? Everything is going fine.”

“Something to do with coordinating content, and…making sure appropriate testing is done?”

“What does that even mean?”

“Just come out here,” he said. “But…wipe the broth off your chin.”

She wiped her arm over her face and ran her fingers through her hair. She wasn’t exactly dressed for a meeting. She was just supposed to be working in her little office, with her little interns and employees. She was not supposed to be dealing with corporate suits.

She straightened her T-shirt and stared down at the words “Trust me, I’m the Doctor” with no small amount of regret. Not the best outfit to go to a meeting with bigwigs, but whatever. She’d been ambushed. It wasn’t her fault.

Then she took a fortifying breath and walked out the office door behind Raj.

And stopped cold in the wide-open expanse of the office. Standing right in front of reception was not the corporate bigwig she’d envisioned. It was Caleb Anderson. And he was in a suit, his hair perfectly coiffed, his tie straight, his appearance immaculate.

But that didn’t matter because she’d seen him naked, and frankly, that was all she could imagine now. That and those big, masculine hands wrapping his black tie around her wrists and…

“Mr. Anderson,” she said. “What a surprise.”

“Is it?” he asked.

“My office,” she said.

He lifted a shoulder. “Sure.”

She turned, her face burning, unbearably aware that every eye in the open-plan office space was on her, and Caleb in the suit.

Of course, they would all assume she knew him from previous interactions with theFlirtcorporate office. She was sure of that. They wouldn’t know she knew him from letting him tie her up and have his wicked way with her.

Unless it was stamped on her forehead. She felt a little like it might suddenly be stamped on her forehead.

“Now,” she said, turning and walking quickly back into her office, holding the door for him until he sauntered inside.

She slammed it shut behind him.

“What the hell are you doing here?” she asked.

“Nice shirt? Are you supposed to be Doctor Who?”