Page 21 of Crazy Stupid Sex

“It’s just The Doctor,” she said, annoyance coursing through her. “And that’s beside the point.”

“Is it?”

“Well, no. I mean…it’s a point that needs to be made.” She closed her eyes.Oh, Evie, focus.“Yes. Why are you here? How are you here?”

“Did I not mention?”

“You said you didn’t have a job!”

“I may have obscured the truth just slightly. I’m…affiliated with my family business.”

“What family business?” she asked.

“It relates to your app.”

“Your dad ownsFlirtmagazine?”

He laughed. “Don’t be silly. My dad owns Holden-Anderson Media.Flirtmagazine is just one piece of the empire.”


“Where do you think my money comes from? Did you think I followed the rainbow to its end and stole a pot of gold from a leprechaun?”

“Obviously I assumed you had family money. But I did not assume that you were somehow connected to the project I was working on.”

“You know what they say about assuming.”

“Great yes, it makes an ass out of you and me, but you’re the only one who actually seems like an ass here. Because I didn’t know your dad owned this company, but you did know I was working for them.”

He cleared his throat. “I didn’t think it would be relevant. But as it happens my dad recently assigned me to Flirt. Today when I came into the office he made a call that he wanted me involved in this new endeavor. I’m overseeing your project,” he said.

“Yes, nepo baby, I got that. But why?” she asked.

“You’re different in the office,” he said. “It’s interesting.”

“This is my natural habitat, and you just walked into it. You might be king of the bars and…and bedrooms, but I am a business badass. So don’t try to bullshit me or I will hand you your balls. Metaphorically. Not literally. Because literally your balls have nothing to do with this and I will not be touching them. Again.”

The tragic thing, the terrible thing, was that he looked so hot right now she was still thinking of touching him. Even as he’d wormed his way into this process he had no business being part of.

Can you say that definitively?

He’d painted himself as a total slacker, but if there was one thing she’d learned about Caleb in the past ten minutes it was that he was a liar-by-omission of the highest order.

“Did you know who I was before I told you?” she asked. “Was you sleeping with me some kind of sick test of the app?”

“Youwere testing the app,” he pointed out.

“But I told you,” she said.

If he hadn’t actually wanted her….if he’d tied her up and choked herfor the bitand not because he was as desperate as she’d been, she thought she’d actually be the one murdering him.

Cut. Into. Pieces.

“I didn’t know who you were,” he said. “And while I did know that I’d be working at Flirt when we met I didn’t know my dad would ask me to give oversight to your project. I didn’t think it would be relevant.” He shrugged. “There’s so much crossover between your industry and mine, it’s all bound to get a little incestuous.”

“Bleh. Can you not say that?”

He shrugged. “Sorry.”