I’d rather stick pins in my eyes.

The security guards give me a nod as I walk by, and I smile coyly when one of them reaches out to call the lift, throwing me a wink. He’s beyond cute. Blond hair, pretty eyes, and shoulders that spread wide enough to make me blush a little.

“Thank you,” I say, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as I step inside.

“You’re welcome, darlin’.”

My eyes close as the doors ease shut behind me, and I turn. “Are you kidding me? What even is that accent, and why is it doing all the things?” I fan my face, rolling my shoulders.

“Irish. Northern, I believe.”

My eyes snap open as my stomach drops, and immediately, I realise I’m not alone in the elevator. I turn my upper body to find a man standing in the corner. He has a sheet of paper in his hand, and his head is drawn down, not looking at me.Thank God.

“It’s sensational,” I say, then cringe, turning back to the doors before I can embarrass myself further.Maybe just stop conversating today, Scarlet.

“Sensational?” he remarks, and I know his eyes are now on me.

“Uh-huh,” I mutter.

“Are you—”

“Ignore what just happened, okay?” I look back at him and swallow my words.

Holy hot balls.

He’s looking up at me now, his forehead wrinkling and making me a little weaker at the knees. “Ignoreme,” I tell him in a rush.

I don’t want to bethatgirl.

I’m notthatgirl.

But mythat girlflag is on its way out, and I’m about to wave it loud and proud.

Green eyes penetrate me. Calm, collected, and so unbothered, they capture me. His face is strong, with chiselled cheekbones sitting prominent enough to make his jowls hollow and dark inky strands of hair that lie in a mess on his handsome “I shouldn’t be allowed to be this hot” head.

Damn, he’s good-looking.

“Ignore you?” he rasps. “I was only asking if you’re going to pick a floor.” He nods toward the control panel as he interrupts my thoughts, and I follow his gaze.

“Oh, right. Yeah.” I reach out and hit number seventy-eight, Ellis and—

“Ellis and Frey?” he questions, and I turn again. His eyes are trained on my hair but quickly snap to my face, curious—doubtful. “You have an appointment, sunshine?”

I nod, my eyes tightening on him. “I do.”

“You do?” he says, surprised.

That raised brow again. Why is it sexy?

And yet so arrogant.

“I know. I can hardly believe it myself.” I sigh and face the doors.

I don’t lookthatout of place here, and I feel pissed that I’m doubting my choice of outfit because of two people who don’t even know me.

I hear him moving behind me, the piece of paper in his hands getting folded up. “What’s your name?”

“Sunshine,” I shoot back.