I smirk and look at my feet.
He lets a breath out through his nose, a light snigger that makes me pull my bottom lip between my teeth.
“All right. And you have an appointment to see who exactly?”
I frown and peer over my shoulder to look at him again, finding his full focus on me. “What’s your name?”
He regards me for a solid five seconds, and I wonder if he figures it out. I don’t look like Mason, not really. But my mother? It’s uncanny.
“Lance. Lance Sullivan,” he finally says.
“Strong name. And why is it so shocking to you that I have an appointment at Ellis and Frey today, Mr Sullivan? Do you work for the company?”
He frowns and rubs his hand across his full lips. I don’t miss the tattoos peeking out of his shirtsleeve, but I can’t make out what they are or might represent. “I do.”
He tips his chin. “Why’s that interesting?”
“It just is. How long have you worked here exactly?”
“Long enough.”
“Huh… and it’s shocking to you that I have an appointment because?”
“You don’t miss a trick, do you, sunshine?”
“It’s Scarlet.”
“It’s sunshine.”
“Why?” I challenge.
His eyes rake down my front in answer.
“You must have a very sad little life to be so shallow-minded, Lance.”
His lip twitches, arrogant and cocky. “I don’t.”
“A sad little penis, then?”
The elevator pings and the doors slide open, revealing a guy standing on the other side waiting. He nods at me and then at Lance before stepping in next to me.
Sad little penis.I laugh under my breath and shake my head, keeping my attention on the doors in front of me.
The polished stainless steel makes the suit at my back just visible.
Lance Sullivan.
I wonder who he is. What he does in the company. How he would feel if he knew my name paid his wages. I’d be lying if I said that didn’t give me a power trip.
He’s tall and slender but with enough muscle to fill his light-grey, pin-striped suit. His face is harsh but in the best way.
He’s devastatingly handsome.
And he’s watching me.
His eyes don’t leave me, and I cannot look away. I even try. I do. I lose his eyes and look to the floor. But then I look straight back up, the need unexplainable.