It’slate evening when we arrive in Paris. It was just me and Vinny on the flight, and I feel like my feet haven’t hit the ground from the moment we stepped off the plane. Everything from my hair to my makeup and dress is perfect. All picked and left in my room, courtesy of my beautiful fiancé.
The girls were waiting for me at the hotel and whisked me away the minute I arrived.
And now, I stand at the side of the steps in a building I could only dream about being in again. My hand reaches blindly as I try to find something to steady me, my nerves completely shot. I grip the cool marble under my fingertips and take in a deep breath.
Breathe, Nina.
I glance up and catch Vinny’s eye, a wide smile taking over my face as I watch him across the two staircases. He dips his head in silent encouragement.
Stepping out from behind the pillar, I take the eighteen steps to the middle of the Grand Escalier, where Vinny meets me. Pushing up onto the tip of my toes, I kiss his warm cheek.
“You look breathtaking, love.”
My dimples ache from the smile that dances across my face. “Thanks, Vin.”
There hasn’t ever been a lot of thought when it came to the man who would give me away. Lucy told me that John would be honoured to walk me down the aisle, but I knew that was something for them to do one day. I couldn’t take that away from her. I may not have known Vinny my whole life, but his eyes shone with the same pride that he’s wearing now when I asked him to give me away, and I know in this moment, right here, that I made the right decision.
It takes me back to something Mason once told me.
If you ever need to trust a man, you’d be wise to pick him.
We turn and link arms, and I instantly lock eyes with my Mase. He’s standing at the bottom of the sprawling steps, looking up at me. His tux is immaculate, his hair styled in my kind of messy perfection.
We take the first step, the etched marble tapping under my strappy heels.
The string quartet starts to play, the sound reaching the very top of the magnificent vaulted ceiling, then drifting back down to wrap around me in a warm veil. It calms me. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt so sure of my next step.
I dip my head to the side when I spot Charlie, Ellis, George, Liam, and Jasmine standing at the right of the staircase. Jasmine beams at me, then reaches up to blot the corners of her eyes with a tissue. I have to look away, blinking rapidly to stop myself from slipping a tear. Our families are all here, spread out at the bottom of the steps, smiling happily up at me, and although so many people are missing from the image before me, I feel them. I know they’re watching us today, and there’s no doubt in my mind that they’re proud of the man who awaits me.
Mason takes my hand as I reach the bottom step, linking our fingers and then nodding his head once to Vinny. His eyes shine with so much emotion, I struggle to look away from his beautiful face. Lucy steps up and takes my bouquet, and I catch Megan’s eye as she gives me a cheeky wink. I smile and wait for Scarlet to look up. She looks beautifully broken, standing off to the side, yet as she lifts her head and returns my smile, her tears rolling free, I know she’s truly happy for us. And I know that I’d be lost without my beautiful girls.
In the very opera house Mason told me he loved me, we stand again today, to take our vows. Devoting our entire lives to one another with our words and rings. I never would’ve picked it, yet there’s no better way to become Mrs Lowell, and I’m floored and in awe of the man at my side for the sheer level of love and devotion he shows me time and time again.
He takes my hand in his as the vicar steps towards us.
Elliot clears his throat, leaning in to whisper in Mason’s ear. “Who gets married on a fucking Tuesday?”
Mason looks at me and it’s the dirtiest, most soul destroying, yet beautiful look I’ve ever seen.
My favourite kind of look.
My Mase. Today. Tomorrow. Forever.