Page 167 of Grand Love

His hand dips into my leggings, sliding his fingers through my heat. “I need you. I need you so fucking much.”

“Mase,” my hoarse whimper pulls me back to the now and I grasp his arm. “What are you doing?” I pull on his arm, removing his hand from my underwear as I spin to face him.

He groans, dropping his mouth back to my neck once I’m facing him.

“Mason!” I laugh. “You said no sex.”

His beautiful, confused face pops back up. “Come on, Pix.” He looks down at his gym shorts then back to me.

My smile is instant. Leaning in he places a kiss on my dimple. “You said we had to date. No more sex until we get this right between us.”

“And you choose this point in our relationship to actually take heed?” he sniggers, licking at his full lips.

“This will be good for us. They were your words.”

“I got it wrong.” He pinches my nipple.

“Well, it makes sense. I think we should try.”

“Nina.” He takes hold of my hips.

“Mason.” I smile, brushing his lips with my own.

“Baby,” he pleads.

Our kiss is messy and broken from our smiles. “It may be a silly rule, Mr Lowell.” I breathe out against his open mouth. “But… I think we should stick to it.”

His hands slide into the back of my tights, and he palms my ass. I giggle to myself as a deep sigh leaves him. “Fine. But our first date is tonight.”

“I can’t tonight. I need to speak to Joey.” I run my fingers through the hair at the base of his neck. “I need to explain things to him. I just left yesterday, and I need to tell him not to come to mine again. I need to get my key.”

Mason’s jaw clenches, his body growing tighter.

“Mase, he was my friend. I need him to know why I’m doing this.”

“You’ll come over after?”

I watch him, his face still hard. I love this man. So damn much. “I will.”

He nods, looking down his nose at me. “I need you to consider something for me… about Jasmine.”

“What’s that?” I ask.

“We will speak about it tonight—”

“On our date.” I grin, excited.

“Yeah, on our date.” He places a soft kiss on my lips. “Are you going to PT me or should I find something else for you to work on?” He grasps my hand and covers his still hard cock.

I chuckle into his chest. “You’re quite simply the most impossible man I’ve ever met.”

* * *

I’ve been tryingto think of the right thing to say to Joey all day. Nothing seems to sound right, or fair, yet he tried to kiss me. He crossed the line and now I have to fix that before our friendship is completely ruined.

When he doesn’t answer, I pull out my set of keys and unlock the door.

“Joey?” I call.