Page 166 of Grand Love

The girls all chuckle in agreement with her.

“You know what I mean. I already know he won’t last five minutes.” I laugh. “We’re just not going as fast as last time.”

“Definitely… like condoms this time, right?” Scarlet jokes and I chuck a salt packet at her head. “But, Nina, if you want me to, I can check in on Joey? Maybe send over some bereavement leaflets or something? Just to check in so you don’t have to stress.”

“You’d do that?” I ask.

“Of course! I get what it’s like to lose someone you love. Maybe it will be good coming from me?”

“If you could, that would be amazing, Scarlet. Thank you.”

I relax in my seat and look over at Lucy who is watching me in thought. She gives me a soft wink and smile. It’s going to be okay. For the first time in a long time, things seem to be falling into place.

* * *


After the dayI’ve had, I almost forgo my evening workout. But knowing Nina is working, and after her leaving me before the sun was even up, I drag myself up the steps of L&M at ten past five for my evening PT session. She’s working with a client when I reach the top step, so I go to the treadmill and start with a jog. I watch her as she helps the lady with her weights, taking off the larger one and dropping down a size. She is reassuring her; I can tell by the way she’s looking at her.

Sometimes I wonder how she is as caring and selfless as she is. It pisses me off and makes me love her all in one big eye roll. The way she has to be there for her friends, up and leaving if one of them needs her. Like Joey yesterday. Or the way she used to help her mother, when she spent her life never helping herself. Another thing I need to fix.

Nina has the same support from her friends that she gives out, but she doesn’t have the family. After my weekend with Scarlet, it makes me angry that she hasn’t ever had what I have. All because of her parents.

“Hey, you!” Nina bounces up next to me, a smile playing on her sexy lips. “You look wrecked.” She frowns, placing her hands on her hips.

I shake my head, smiling down at her. “I have this wench that kept me up all Saturday night.”

“Hmm, is she hot?” She waggles her brows at me.

“She’s alright.” A bright smile spreads across her face, making my heart somersault in my chest. “Are you okay now, after this morning?”

She nods her head, her lip turning up on one side. “Can I show you something?”

The excitement in her eyes makes me grin, and I come to a stop on the treadmill. “Of course.”

* * *


I haven’t hada lot of time to think about my dancing recently, but after the weekend and the way things are going with Mase, I’d like to think it’s something I could go back to soon. The girls from my old studio have all moved onto other companies, so I wouldn’t have it for classes. Or I wouldn’t expect it to take off right away anyway—it’s been too long. But to just dance again, feel the music like I used to—for the first time in a long time I feel excited about it.

Linking my fingers through Mason’s, I walk us through the gym and over to the door that leads to the room above the gym. I haven’t told anyone but Joey about the space yet, and other than Logan, no one else knows about it.

“What’s up there?” Mason asks, looking up the steps in wonder.

“It’s a surprise!” I jog up the steps, not feeling afraid of the small dark space with Mason at my back. “Logan told me I could do what I want with it.” I push open the door, letting the light hit my face. I smile wide as he steps past me. I don’t tell him what it is. He’ll know what’s in my head. If anything, he’ll already be plotting how he can make it everything I want it to be—and I have to be okay with that.

I walk to the window to look out across the city, giving Mason a minute to take in the room.

“You have plans for it?” he asks, sliding his hands around my waist as he stands behind me, his nose brushing my temple.

A smile pulls at my lips. I continue to look out the floor-to-ceiling window. “Eventually, maybe when Ellis is a little older.” I run my hands over his where they rest over my stomach. “I already feel like I’m away from him too often. I miss him so much after the weekend.”

“It was just one weekend, and it was well worth it.” His lips nip at my jaw, his hand dusting the underside of my breast. “We won’t be spending weekends apart anymore, angel.”

I twist my head to look at him. “We won’t?” I ask hopefully.

Pulling me back into him, he buries his face in my neck, sucking on the skin there. “You smell edible.” I can feel his erection in his gym shorts, and I instinctively push back against him.