Page 138 of Grand Love


The next morningI wake early like I always do on the days I don’t have Ellis. I don’t know if Joey is going to be home this morning, but I call and text him before I leave my apartment to let him know I’m on my way over. He doesn’t answer or reply, and I get to his apartment and find it empty. For an hour I linger around his flat, clearing the draining board and setting the living area straight.

When seven thirty rolls around and I haven’t heard back from him, I decide to go home. Just as I pull open his front door to leave, my phone rings, Joey’s name lighting up my screen, and I walk back into the apartment and quickly answer the phone.

“Joey! Where are you?”

He doesn’t say a word.


I swallow the lump in my throat. “Joe?”

“I’m in New York.” His voice is cold and detached.

“New York?” I check the time on my phone. “To see Jasper?”

“Yeah. He’s dead.”

It feels like someone has poured ice through my veins, my body running cold. “W-what?” I utter.

“He’s dead.”

“Joey, I’m… I’m so sorry.” What do I say? What do I do? “I missed your calls last night. God, Joe. I’m so, so, sorry!”

“It doesn’t matter now,” he says, lacking all emotion in his voice.

He sounds lost.

“Are you coming home again?” I ask.

“I’ll be back in a couple days. It’s early, you go, Nina.”

“No, it’s okay I can—”

The line goes dead and I start to shake. He has no one else. It’s just him now.

Nina: What can I do?

Please reply! Please reply!

Joey: I need a couple days

I blow out a breath, understanding he needs space but needing to see him, hug him and know that he’s going to be okay.

Nina: Call me! Whenever you need me.

Joey: Okay.

My hands run through my hair as I fall back on his sofa, my heart breaking for him. He has lost his brother. All his living relatives are gone. How does anyone deal with that?

Sometimes I wonder if life would be easier if we didn’t allow people into our hearts. It would keep it safe from the heartbreak that quakes us when they eventually leave, because they do. One way or another, they always leave.

The truth is, we only hurt when we truly care about something. It’s a bittersweet thing. It’s brave. Loving something so much you let it consume you, knowing one day it might break you, leaving you less wholesome, but full of memories that will last a lifetime.

God, I hope he’s okay.

* * *