Page 112 of Grand Love


My phone starts ringingin my pocket the second the doors close. I slide it out and spot Vinny’s name lighting up the screen.


“Nolan just called. He went to make his visits at the clinic this morning and a discharge had been filed. Scott’s on it and I’m waiting to get more information.”

“She left?”

“I’m sorry, Mason.”

“Fucking perfect.” I drop my head back and stare blankly at the fluorescent lights.

“I’ll call when I know more,” he tells me, sounding busy.

“Yeah.” I hang up.

My head falls back to the mirror, my eyes closing for a moment before the doors slide open. Lance is standing in the doorway.

Surprise lights up his face and then it goes slack as he takes in my slouched form.

“Lowell, you all good, my man?” He steps inside and hits the button for a couple floors up.

“You ever do something thinking you are helping but it goes to shit, and you just know when the wrong person finds out it’s going to blow up in your face?” I bring my eyes to him.

“Well, yeah. We’re all human right?” He shrugs.

“Right.” Nina won’t see it like that though. She’ll call me out. Find the monetary value in my actions and miss the need I have to make her happy. It’s why we can’t do this yet. “Nina told me she loves me today.”

He frowns, fixing his tie in the mirror. “Is this about Jasmine?”

“No.” I wave him off, done with the conversation. “Forget it.” I pull myself up straight and drag my hand through my hair.

“Lowell, I—”

My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out again, laughing when I see the name on the screen. “My sister.” I shake my head at Lance. Could this day get any more fucked?

Lance frowns, not following.

“Sullivan, when you meet her—your girl—do yourself a favour and take your balls off at the front door. You’re gonna lose them eventually anyway.” I slap him on the back, pushing him forward and out onto the floor he was headed for.

Everything is happening quicker than I planned, and none of it with the result I wanted. With the day from hell still brewing and hanging over my head with Scarlet’s call, I go back to my office and do something I haven’t done in months. I clear up my things and I go home.

The penthouse is silent when I get in. It’s still and lifeless without Ellis who seems to light everything up when he’s here. I had him for the entire weekend, and it still wasn’t enough. There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s safe and loved with Nina, but I also know that for the days he isn’t with me, I’m missing things. The smiles, the giggles, and the tears when he needs me. It’s all things I’ve grown to know and love and miss.

She told me she loves me.

She told me she couldn’t do it anymore.

And I told her no.

I told her I couldn’t be with her.

What a load of bullshit.

They’re what this apartment needs. They’re all I need.
