Our eyes meet once more, and an unspoken agreement crosses between us. Liam taps Agree. The app opens to an empty profile page. He raises an eyebrow at me. “I mean…gotta admire their entrepreneurial spirit, right?”

“How much you wanna bet they’ve installed some spyware in the app as well?” I say dryly.

“Oh, totally. I would be disappointed if they haven’t thought to do that.”

I wasn’t sure what I expected would happen after Eleanor Roosevelt and Sarah Jessica’s stunt. Part of me feared that people would report it to the teachers and they’d get dragged to Principal Lin’s office by their ears. Or that they’dbecome the laughingstock of the school. Or something else equally dire.

But what actually happens is…nothing. People talk about it, some roll their eyes, others laugh and join, but most seem to assume it’s spam and immediately delete it from their iPad. And no one tells the teachers, at least that I know of. I guess even in a school as strict as Xingfa, it doesn’t pay to be known as a snitch. By the time recess is over and we all shuffle back to our respective classrooms, it seems as though the Lil’ Aunties app has been largely forgotten.

In the car on my way home from school, I open the app. After clicking Agree, I fill out my profile page as quickly as I can and enter it into the system. I was expecting the app to load a directory of profiles for me to swipe through, but instead, I get a message that says: “Thank you for filling out your profile! All our members are kept strictly confidential. Matches are made at our discretion. You will be notified once we identify the perfect match for you.”

Ah. Okay, that makes sense. If everyone knew who’s on the app, it’d be way too easy for someone to snitch. This way, most people won’t know who’s joined or who’s running the app. Genius. Despite myself, I’m having to hold back my laughter. Amazing how Eleanor Roosevelt and Sarah Jessica really have thought of everything.

The rest of the day passes peacefully, but my peace is short lived, because that evening, Sourdawg asks Dudebro:

So at some point we should totally meet up in person, right? Or is that creepy?

Oh, Liam. What I wouldn’t give to meet up with you in person and come clean to you. My hands open and close as I try to come up with a viable excuse for not meeting up in person.

Dudebro10:Oh no. Not creepy. But I’m just going through a lot of stuff right now

Sourdawg:Oh, shit. I’m sorry to hear that. Anything I can help with?

Dudebro10:No, it’s just some family stuff

Sourdawg:Do you wanna talk abt it?

I’m so overcome by guilt that I feel compelled to give him something that holds at least a shred of truth.

Dudebro10:It’s just…I’m having a lot of resentment toward my parents for sending me to this fucking school

Dudebro10:Sorry, I know that makes me sound like a total douche

Sourdawg:No, not at all. I have a lot of resentment toward my parents too. I’ve been doing a lot of work on it with my therapist. Do you want me to share some of what I’ve learned?

Guilt pinches harder. Liam is opening up about his secrets, because he thinks I’m someone else. This is so wrong. I should tell him to stop.


Sourdawg:Okay, so, like, first off, it’s rly important to have an open line of communication with your parents. You can start off with the parent you trust more. For me, that’s my dad, obviously. And it’s going to be rly hard to begin with, but it gets easier. Obviously, like, your parents have to be receptive to it. You need to identify, like, your triggers and when you feel defensive and try to avoid them or acknowledge them. I used to get into these huge fights with my dad, and I finally realized that I was just feeling rly vulnerable and that I should tell him that I’m feeling that way. Since I did, he’s been a lot more open when we talk. Does that make sense? Sorry, I kinda wrote a whole essay there, lol

Dudebro10:No, that makes perfect sense

I can’t imagine having an open conversation with Papi or Mami, though. I’m just so mad at them, and no doubt they’d just dig their heels in and insist on what an amazing school Xingfa is and how I can’t possibly be having a bad time there because it’s so amazing.

Dudebro10:Yeah, anyway. Things have been improving a lot lately. In school, I mean. At home it’s still pretty hectic


Dudebro10:What about you? How’s everything at sch?

Sourdawg:Remember that grumpy chick I told you abt?

Dudebro10:The one sitting next to you? Yeah

Sourdawg:She’s pretty cool, actually. Heh, because of her, Ihad to join this, like, matchmaking thing, so I’m abt to go on plenty of dates

Dudebro10:Haha, that sounds cool