Page 80 of She Wolf

“It’s too important buddy, plus it weighs a ton so there’s that.”

We make our way around the bell having broken off into groups. At the moment it’s just Jack, Gunner and me. We took our time moving through the museum which was well worth visiting and now that I’m actually seeing the bell up close and personal, it brings home how iconic this symbol of American Independence really is.

It’s quieter here than it was earlier, but the boys were right to advise we split off because Gunner has been stopped four times already. The staff have been keen to tell Jack all the interesting facts and he seemed to really get into it.

Jack’s obsessed with the American Museum of Natural History too. I think he’s definitely a history buff in the making.

“Gunner would be able to lift it.”

“Of course, I could—” I cut Gunner a look, “but, umm, we’re here to just look, learn, and then move onto the next part of our adventure.”

“Shall we take a photo while it’s quiet, we won’t get anyone in the background if we do it now,” I ask them. They agree and we huddle together for a few selfies.

Then a kind Ranger takes some for us and once we’re back out in the sunshine, I sneak a peek to see how they came out.

Jack's face is squashed in between ours in one and for another he stands in front of us while Gunner wraps his arm around me.

“The first of many family photos together,” Gunner whispers and kisses my ear. Before I can reply, he runs after Jack picking him up and placing him on his brawny shoulders. I take a snap of that too because it looks perfect.

We join the others at our meeting point and Adam rubs his hands together.

“Right, we have to get to Chickie’s and Pete’s, like now.”

“Okay, Hollywood calm down. Why don’t you call ahead?” Casey asks him.

“Why? What will they care? My name’s not Giroux,” Adam mutters.

Casey snickers. “Want me to text him and ask if he can get us in?”

“Would you?” Adam practically yelps.

“No. I think the captain of the team that just won the Stanley Cup is a little busy to try and get us a table at Chickie’s and Pete’s. Let's just head to the original diner now.”

“Okay, but please, please hurry up.” He turns to Jack. “They fly their crabs in daily. Ev-ery day!” Jack’s brow scrunches and I wish I could take a peek inside his brain at this very second.

“What’s the rush? You’re being weird. It’s just a sports bar. Isn’t there like fifty of ‘em?” Rex asks.

“You did not just say that!” Adam spins. “Callan, tell them we need to fit in Philly pretzels, cheese steaks, and my coveted crab fries plus whatever else I fancy off the menu before we leave.”

“Jesus, you and this city’s food.” Callan turns to Gunner, Case, and Rex. “We’ll park as close as we can.”

“Wait a sec,” Rex says looking like he’s trying to solve a math problem in his head.

“When we’re at the Flyers and you sneak out of the hotel you aren’t nailing some chick you have here, you’re… eating crab fries.”

“And in Vegas but I do also have a lady there,” Adam smirks as Casey and Gunner belt out a laugh, but while they enjoy ribbing Adam, my little brother seems like he’s in a world of his own. When we head back to the cars I pull away from the group and thread my arm through Knox’s, flicking the bill of his Giants cap.

“What’s up, Ace?”

His shoulders lift. “Nothin’ I’m fine. Are you having a fun time?”

“I am. What’s up?”

He sighs. “I can’t explain it, Coralie.”

“Try me.”

“God,” he scrubs at his face. “How do you always know?”