Page 87 of She Wolf

“What about drinks in the hotel bar?” Coralie says after returning Anna’s wave.

“Actually, that’s a great idea,” I say, remembering the hotel offered a handcrafted cocktail bar. We could sit in the plush leather armchairs or take a seat outside…and then she could sit on me.

Perfect Plan.

“Let’s go, Peaches,” I say taking her soft warm hand in mine again. I may be in a rush to get her naked, but I still want to enjoy the slow walk back to the hotel.

Back at the hotel bar, Coralie orders a massive bottle of water and some weird concoction that when it comes out, foams. She assures me it’s delicious after a sip or two but takes the cap off the water and pours it out for us, taking a few big glugs.

“If it’s so lovely, why are you downing your water so fast?”

“Hydration Gunner, keep up. We’ve got a long night ahead of us.” Coralie is all confidence as she meets my gaze, and my cock sits hot and tight in the confines of my jean shorts. My arm is stretched out along the back of the booth and my free hand plays with a lock of her silk-spun hair. It seems to have lightened in the sun.

I take a hefty sip of my beer, having declined the server’s best efforts to get me to drink one of their signature creations—even though there’s nothing on tap—and watch as she relaxes further into her seat, albeit with a little furrow that mars her brow.

“Jack’s worried about Knox,” she says on a sigh, leaning her head against my hand. “And so am I.”

“Frankly, I think we all are. Maybe it’s waiting to hear on Jason or Korhonen’s impending return,” I shrug, at a loss for a definitive answer.

Knox was called up from the farm team and filled one of the left winger’s spots a few months ago after a season ending injury. At some point Korhonen will be back and I expect Knox is worrying about where he will fit in when that happens.

But I can’t help if he doesn’t talk to me. And it’s not like he’s miserable as sin, he’s present one hundred percent for Jack, doing all the essentials; eating, drinking, cracking jokes, but something is definitely off.

“He’s worked so damn hard since being called up. And you’ve all been training even though it’s the off season. I think he’s safe, don’t you? You only had a two-week pizza-beer blip,” she teases.

“I thought we made a pact to not ever bring that up again,” I say pointing the bottleneck at her.

“We did, I’m sorry.” She takes another sip and then stares off. “There’s only one thing that’s going to make him feel better and he’s not willing to try and find it again so we all just need to make sure we’re here for him.”

“And we will be, I can promise you that. Now drink up and I’ll get you another one.” She sits up, straightening her spine as she lifts the delicate glass to her sweet lips and takes a hearty gulp, then gives me a sultry smile, her brother’s woes forgotten for the time being.

That pulls a slow smirk from my lips. “Atta girl.” I tell her, taking a pull from my own bottle and then signal to the waitress. It’s a quiet night so she scurries right over.

“Can we have another round please? Charge it to the Capitol suite.”

She nods, her gaze scanning Coralie’s drink. “Will do, Mr. Grey,” and then heads off to the guys behind the bar.

“Ooooh, Mr. Grey.”

“I think I said no to that one before.” My words come out gruff and I bend to nip her neck just for good measure as she giggles her head off.

With our second drinks in front of us I broach the subject of heading to the house a few days early.

“So, when I went to tell Casey about changing the plans, he had an idea.”

“Oh yeah? Did it hurt?” I snicker along with her.

“Well, he wondered if we might like to head down early, just me and you.”

She rolls her eyes but it’s more playful than annoyed. “He’s going to do something ridiculous and over the top with Jack isn’t he?”

“I can only assume so. What do you think? Wanna spend a few days alone with me?” My heart stutters at the wordalone.

I want the time with her so bad and to be honest I think we need it. She’s opening up more and more and most of the time she’s right in the moment. Giddy and playful, like she’s free to feel this with me. Allowing herself to fall.

And then there are times when I feel her folding into herself. Warring with herself. Her head and her heart in constant battle. I just can’t put my finger on why. She has to know how I feel. Right?

Right now, though, her eyes sparkle with mirth, and I know I’ve got unadulterated Coralie. The version I so desperately want to win out.