Page 86 of She Wolf

“I think it might be. Not exactly the same, but similar.” Smiling up at me he agrees to try it.

During dinner, Jack nudges his mom. “Mom I think I’m going to stay with Uncle Knox tonight. He seems kinda sad.” My eyes dart to a sullen Knox. His hair looks like he’s been running his hands through it.

He’s not miserable per-se justless, Knox.

She looks over at Knox and then back to Jack. “Can I just check first? He was out all afternoon, and he might be a bit sleepy.”

Code for totally fucked. They were day drinking in the sun and who knows how much they put away.

After a gorgeous meal of coastal Italian cuisine and Callan settling the check, we go in search of a second dessert before walking around The Capitol Building. Knox agreed to have Jack stay over and they leave after choosing a scoop of banana and chocolate ice cream from a boutique gelato parlor and a promise to visit the National History Museum tomorrow.

Coralie was right, the Capitol building illuminated is a sight to see. The way it reflects off the still water is something else. I have seen it a few times from the road after leaving a game and heading out of town, but it was nothing like this.

With Coralie’s hand in mine, a delicious, creamy ice cream cone in the other and a light summer breeze picking up, there is nowhere else I’d rather be, and the fact that we have the suite to ourselves all night is the absolute cherry on the top of this beautiful day.

“What do you want to do now? Go for a drink? Find some live music? We have the whole night,” I say lifting her hand to my lips.

“Guys, what are you doing?” Coralie turns and asks the others.

Adam grins. “We have prior engagements.”

“A hookup? In the off season?” Rex gripes.

“Don’t be like that Rexie, we’ll see you in the morning.” Adam motions to Callan to leave.

“You’re going together?” Rex asks.

“They’re sisters who live in the same apartment building, chill out.”

Rex looks pensive. “You know, I’ve never fuckin’ asked this about you two but, do you, like, share women?”

Coralie and Adam giggle, while Anna and Chloe gasp.

“Fuck no, where the hell dya get that from?” Callan admonishes.

“I dunno, maybe I’ve had too much to drink. You’re just always like this—sneaking off together.” He shakes his head and takes Chloe’s hand in his. “Come on cutie, let’s go ride the tipsy train.” He pulls on Chloe’s hand and then runs off with her in tow, back toward the hotel. Callan and Adam take off in the opposite direction.

“Do you wanna ride the tipsy train?” I ask Coralie, smiling down at her.

“You’ll have to get me tipsy first, Gunner Grey.” Her bright eyes shimmer playfully, and her beautiful lips kick up on one side.

“I can do that. Follow me, Peaches.” I pull her into my side and then realize I have absolutely no idea where we’re going, only that I want to fill her full of expensive cocktails and see if she’ll let me fuck her up against the hotel windows spread out for me against the cool glass or even bend her over the balcony.

My usual Coralie-semi starts to grow and fatten as my scorching gaze takes all of her in. She’s extra delectable tonight. Her flowy dress, the same shade of blue as her eyes, and in a style that accentuates her gorgeous ass, is just begging to be pooled in the middle of the suite floor.

“So, you know we’re still here, right?” Casey’s voice brings me out of my planning.

“Yeah, shit sorry. Do you want to come for a drink?”

Please say no. Please. Say. No.

“No, thank you,” Anna politely declines. “Come on babe, let’s leave them to it.”

“You don’t want to go out for a bit?” Coralie chimes in, like the sweet sociable sister she is. Please say no.

“Honestly, you go ahead,” Anna says with a smile that turns almost wicked as she looks up at Casey. “Captain Casey, I want a rematch.”

Casey’s eyes widen. “Bye Gunn. I’m not gonna need the gym in the morning.” Anna squeals as Casey throws her over his shoulder and starts running back the way we came. Their laughter fades as I try to think of where to go.