Page 99 of North Bound

Nick hadn’t been fully up for killing Reve. Not until he started spouting all this crazy shit. The guy has something loose somewhere. ‘The second we lose ourselves to our contracts we’re no better than the ones we’re fighting. It’s the end of us and of the balance we maintain. That’s the whole point of the team.’

‘No, Nick. The whole point of the team is to keep control. We haven’t had control of our enemies for decades. If I had managed to combine your magic with mine...’ He smiles, and Nick realises Reve is more unhinged than he initially thought. ‘Think what I could have achieved! I could have led this team to the victory we’ve been fighting millennia for. Ended all this creeping around in the shadows. Unless you push Santa aside, and take control again, this team is as good as finished.’

He stands up and faces Nick. ‘I don’t want to be around to watch you weaken this team. Do me a favour and just get it over with, Nick. Kill me!’

Nick plans to kill Reve either way, but hearing him ask for his death, helps take some of the weight from his decision. He pulls out his sword and holds it up in front of him. ‘You’re wrong about me, Reve. Yeah, I want to help people. I’m drawn to make people happy, but that’s got nothing to do with my contract. I’ve always been like that. The difference is, since signing the contract I’ve learned that there’s some evil shit in the world. Vile creatures who think of nothing, or no one, but themselves. And it’s my job to kill them to keep the rest of the world safe. That’s the part I put first. Always has been.’

He quickly swings his sword, separating Reve’s head from his body, killing him instantly. Reve slumps to the ground, but Nick has already left the cell. He walks past Eve, not surprised to find her waiting outside. ‘It’s done. Get Flint down here to burn the body.’


Ten months later...

‘Scarlett? Hello? Hey!’

She blinks and looks away from her screen. ‘Sorry?’

Her co-worker, Dani, smiles as she sits on the chair beside her. ‘You were miles away. Again! Why am I getting the impression that report isn’t holding your attention?’

Scarlett smiles apologetically. ‘I’m sorry. My head is just somewhere else.’ In Lapland with Santa.

Just like it has been every single day since she last saw Nick.

Dani stands and hands Scarlett her bag. ‘Come on. We’re getting an early lunch. No arguments, so just walk.’

She locks her computer and follows Dani out of the building and along the packed street, to their favourite cafe, around the corner from the office. With the weather so good, it seems everyone has come outdoors to get some autumn sunshine. Dani grabs a table and chairs outside the cafe and hands her a menu.

‘So, what’s on your mind?’

‘Nothing. I was just day dreaming.’ It’s been the same daydream for the last few months, and nothing she tries to distract herself with works.

‘About that guy again, huh? Nick?’

She nods. Dani had been told the bare bones of the story. As in the fact she had a holiday fling with a gorgeous guy. That’s it. Nothing else. ‘I know I must be boring you at this stage. I’m sorry.’

Dani places her menu back on the table and leans forward. ‘Stop apologising. You miss him. It’s perfectly normal.’