That’s something at least. They need the extra body back on the team. Now that leaves him with another problem. Once the new Sandman takes over, what is he going to do with Reve? He’s been locked in a cell under the workshop since Damon dragged him back here a few weeks ago.
‘Are you going to kill him?’
Nick looks up at Eve, but her face is blank. ‘I have to. He knows too much and it’s not like he’s exactly trustworthy. I’ll wait until the new contract is signed and his powers transferred.’
‘Do you really think he’s going to sign his powers over to someone else?’
‘Yes. He only needs one unbroken hand to sign the contract. That leaves a lot of bones I can break to convince him.’ He takes the plate from her. ‘Make sure everything is ready for the new Sandman. He’ll be staying here until he’s completed his training. We need him ready to go ASAP. We’ve got a job to do.’ He holds up the plate as he walks away. ‘Thanks for the food.’
He stops and looks over his shoulder at Eve.
‘Just think about what I said.’
‘Will do.’ Nick takes his lunch back to his suite and drops the plate on the table. He wasn’t really hungry to begin with, he just needed something to do. He gets where Eve is coming from, but it’s much more of an issue than she believes it is. He lost the two people who were his entire world. There’s no way he’s going to drag someone else into this craziness, and risk losing them too. That would make him one shit Santa, as well as a shit human.
He sits on the edge of his bed and stares at his sandwich. As much as he misses Scarlett, she’s exactly where she needs to be - away from him. Away from all this.
His selfishness had cost his wife and daughter their lives. He’s not going to make that mistake again. Not with Scarlett.
He picks up the sandwich, glares at it, then dumps it back on the plate. He can’t afford to think about them, or Scarlett, right now. The new Sandman needs his full attention. And he’s got to deal with Reve in the next few days. His time is up. He’ll do the deed himself, without involving anyone else. It’s his burden as the boss.
Nick takes a few stepsback, leaning against the bars of the cell as he catches his breath. He passes the contract through the bars to Eve. ‘Get the new recruit to sign this.’
‘Will do, Boss.’ She glances at Reve, huddled in the corner of the cell, hugging his broken hand to his chest. ‘Should I stay or...’
‘Leave me alone with him.’
‘I’ll deal with him. Get that sorted.’
Eve nods and leaves, shutting the door behind her.
‘So, you’re actually going to do what needs to be done? Glad to see you’re finally growing a backbone. I’d be impressed, if it didn’t mean my death.’
‘What the fuck is your problem? You were the Sandman. That used to mean something to you. Why would you throw it all away for a little extra power? I don’t get it.’
Reve pushes onto the cot, wiping blood from his face. It hadn’t take as much persuasion as he thought it would, to get Reve to sign. He put up a fight but it was half-hearted. ‘We’re losing Nick. I don’t need to tell you that. The fight isn’t going in our favour. So I thought I’d tip the odds a little.’
‘By taking me out?’
‘No. By increasing my power. By taking command of the team. By finally using our powers as they were intended. To kill anyone who defies us.’
‘That’s what all this is about? You want to kill all the other legends?’ He wasn’t expecting Reve to come out with that. He thought the bastard was power greedy, not downright bloodthirsty.
‘Of course! Isn’t that what we all want?’
‘No, it’s not! What the fuck gave you that impression? You’ve been on the team longer than I have. You know that’s not what we do.’
Reve laughs loudly. ‘Oh fuck off, Nick! Is that what you really believe? Are you telling me you plan to pick pathetic fights with them every few days? To keep swatting them back, only to have them push harder next time? It’s like fucking Groundhog Day! Has been for decades. You had the chance to change things for the first time in decades. You’re the youngest Santa we’ve had. I thought you’d come in with a new way of doing things. But you were such a disappointment.’
‘You wanted me to come in and what? Order the team to kill anyone who stood up to us? We don’t kill unless we have to.’
‘But that’s the problem! Our jobs are to kill, Nick. Everything else comes second to that. Instead of killing each and every monster you’ve come across, you re-home strays and bring them back here. I mean, what the fuck, Nick? Putting Santa in charge of the team was a huge mistake. Always has been. But, it’s not your fault. We all live with the traits of our contracts. You can’t resist the need to bend over backwards and let everyone fuck you. Damn people pleaser!
‘I mean how the hell is someone like you, meant to lead a team like us? We’re fucking formidable, Nick! We’ve got the Boogeyman and Horseman on our side. Do you have any idea what Damon and Flint could do by themselves if you let them loose?’