Page 100 of North Bound

‘Yeah, but it’s been nearly a year. I’m starting to bore myself.’

‘From the snippets I was able to drag out of you, he showed you one hell of a time. It’s not going to be easy to find someone who can top that.’

Scarlett nods. She knows that for a fact. She’s had countless dates and, as nice as the guys were, none of them could compare to Nick.

‘How about I grab our usual? I’ll be back in a minute.’

Scarlett watches the crowds pushing past each other and lets her mind wander. Or does, until she spots something at the far side of the street. She pulls off her sun glasses and leans forward. Damon is standing in the alley between two buildings, at the opposite side of the street.

Over the months, she thought she’d caught glimpses of different members of the team, but this is the first time one of them had actually stayed long enough for her to be sure. He crosses the street, the crowd seeming to part for him. The Boogeyman may be wearing unassuming black jeans and a black tank top, no wings or horns in sight, but the menace surrounding him is hard to ignore. He sits on the chair Dani had occupied and stretches out his legs.

‘Is he okay?’

Damon nods. ‘Yeah. He’s okay. Just wanted to make sure you are too.’

‘I know you’ve been keeping an eye on me.’

‘You know he likes to be in control of every situation. It’s his way of ensuring you’re safe.’

‘So why are you showing yourself now? Not that I’m complaining. It’s good to see you.’

He shrugs and smiles briefly, the tip of a fang visible for a few seconds. ‘Are you going to write a letter to Santa this year?’

Scarlett stares over at him, not sure what he’s hinting at. ‘Excuse me?’

His black eyes lock on hers. ‘I want to know if you’re planning to ask for something... or someone, in particular this year.’

‘You want me to write a letter to Nick?’

‘You still like him.’ It’s a statement rather than a question, so she doesn’t answer. Damon leans across the table, his black eyes making her squirm. It’s like looking into a black hole. ‘Tell him. Write him a letter and burn it, just like you did when you were a kid. Fuck knows he’s not listening to any of us. I think the stubborn fucker might need to hear it from you. It’s getting tiring watching the two of you ignore what’s in front of your fucking faces.’

‘You’re not watching me? As in, really watching me... are you?’

‘Now why would I do that? Your life is your business. If you want to waste your time with Chris, Adam, Philip, Ellis and whoever else you’ve had endless boring dates with, that’s nothing to do with me.’

She stares in horror at Damon. Those were some of her dates. ‘Damon! Please tell me you’re not listening in on my dates?’

He leans closer, his black eyes seriously freaking her out. He smiles again, showing a very long, very sharp fang. She glances around, convinced someone is going to see him. He’s not exactly being subtle. ‘Don’t worry. People see what I want them to see.’

‘Are you spying on my dates?’

He shrugs, not in the slightest bit bothered by her question. ‘I go where I want, but I will say one thing. I didn’t see anything you wouldn’t have wanted me to see.’

‘What the hell does that mean?’

‘It means Nick is my friend. You’re important to him so, that means you’re important to the rest of the team. I’m not going to do anything inappropriate.’

She nods, believing him. She doubts the Boogeyman has any reason to lie. ‘What do you want me to do, Damon?’

‘I already told you. The rest is up to you. You and Nick are as bad as each other! One of you is going to have to stop this fucking charade and speak out, before you drive the rest of us insane.’

He stands and smiles down at her. ‘Good luck on your date tonight.’

She opens her mouth to reply, but he’s gone. Scarlett looks around, trying to spot him in the crowd.

‘Who are you looking for?’ Dani asks, as she takes her seat again.

‘What? Oh, sorry. No one.’