Page 49 of Broken Rock

‘Absolutely. Go for it.’

Ten minutes later she locks the door behind her and climbs up into the truck. It smells like leather and sandalwood. Just like Tate. Gregg starts the engine and grimaces as he grinds the gears. ‘Fuck. I didn’t do that, okay.’

‘You’re doing me a massive favour. I’m not going to land you in it with him.’

‘You’re an angel.’ He pulls away from the house and heads towards the main road. ‘Got to say it’s a pleasure to meet you in person. Tate’s been bending my ear about you.’

‘He has?’

‘Of course. Why do you look so surprised? I thought you guys had a thing of sorts.’

‘Well, yeah, I guess we do. I mean we did. I just didn’t think he’d told anyone about it.’

‘As far as I know I’m the only one. He’s a fairly private person. Not too keen on everyone knowing his business. Took a bit of ingenious badgering but he eventually spilt the beans. Tate’s got oodles of confidence when it comes to getting up on stage and all that other stuff, but when it comes to you for some reason he’s second guessing himself.

‘I think everything that’s transpired lately has knocked him. He genuinely likes you, Chloe and I think that’s why he found it so difficult to tell you exactly who he is. He liked how normal it was. No insult intended, I promise.

‘He’s had one or two... or was it three?’ He makes a face then shrugs. ‘Whatever. There have been a few people who weren’t interested in getting to know him. They were more interested in all the glitz and glamour stuff. I’m sure you’ve guessed by now that’s not how he works. Anyway, because of that, he’s usually wary about being himself around certain people. I’m damn impressed he didn’t put up his usual wall with you. Says a lot.’

Chloe smiles and looks back out the window. Hearing that from someone who’s known Tate for so long means a lot.

‘You’re absolutely going to make more than his day when he sees you again. He may even forgive me for nicking his truck.’

Gregg parks Tate’s truck in the underground parking area and she follows him to the elevator. ‘He might still be recording so best not to interrupt his mojo. We’ll go to the control room and wait there until he’s done. You’ll be able to see and hear him, but he won’t be able to see or hear you. You can just chill with us and watch him do his thing.’

‘I’ll follow your lead. I’ve never been somewhere like this before.’

‘It’s all fairly relaxed. Dillon and Luke will be there so you can meet them too. You ever seen Tate sing or play live?’

She shakes her head. ‘Only on the radio or videos online.’

‘Guy is a natural performer. He’s at his best with a guitar in his hands. Just do me a favour. Don’t go telling him how amazing he is. Wouldn’t want him getting a big head.’

The doors open and he gestures for Chloe to step out of the elevator. He leads her down the corridor and opens the last door. She follows Gregg into the studio and waves at the room full of people who turn to look at her. Gregg introduces the two other members of the band and points to the couch at the back at the room. She squeezes in between Luke and Dillon and thanks Gregg as he passes her a glass of water.

‘He can’t see you,’ Dillon whispers. ‘The room is dark so he’s not distracted.’

Chloe nods and can’t hold back the smile as she watches Tate in the booth opposite them. It’s only been three days since their argument, but it feels like a lifetime. As always, he looks incredible. The sleeves of his navy top are pushed up leaving some of his tattoos on display. Some of the buttons on his t-shirt are open teasing her with a glimpse of his inked chest. He pulls off the baseball cap and brushes his hair back before tucking it back under the backwards cap.

The backing track comes on then Tate begins to play. Gregg is right, seeing him in person is so much better than on her computer screen. Then he sings. For someone with such a deep husky voice, he can reach impressive notes. She’d quite happily stay on the couch, listening to him singing all day, but far too soon the song comes to an end and Gregg taps her on the shoulder.

‘Told you he was good.’

‘That’s an understatement.’

‘Spare a thought for us poor fuckers who have to try and compete with that.’ Dillon laughs as he pushes to his feet and pours coffee into a mug.

‘He’s due a break now. You’re up, Chloe.’

‘What? Now?’

‘Yep.’ Dillon hands her the mug. ‘This is for him.’

She takes the mug and Gregg opens the door. ‘Next door up. Just knock and he’ll let you in.’

Chloe stands outside the door and takes a few breaths. This is absolutely the right thing to do, but now that she knows who he is, it’s so much harder. She straightens her shoulders and knocks twice. After a brief wait the door opens and Tate freezes.