Page 48 of Broken Rock

‘Maybe this isn’t such a good idea. The last thing he’s going to want is me chasing him when he’s working.’

‘Oh hush now. Gran is on the case.’

She cuts the call before Chloe can respond. The fact he’s gone back to his old life isn’t a great sign. Well, it’s great for him, just not for her. She won’t be bumping into him on the beach in the mornings. Unless her gran tracks down a contact for him, that’ll be it.

Instead of staring at the phone for the day, she showers and gets into a pair of pyjama bottoms, old t-shirt, and fluffy socks. After making herself a cup of tea she turns on the TV and scrolls through the channels until she finds something that looks half watchable.

The doorbell rings and she curses under her breath as she pulls it open. A tall man with messy, dark blond-hair turns to look at her. His hands are in the back pockets of his jeans and black and grey tattoos cover his thick arms.



He holds out his hand and the recognition hits as soon as she sees his lopsided grin. She’d seen that grin quite a few times while she was trying not to look at endless photos of Tate and failing miserably.

‘You’re Gregg.’

He grins widely at her. ‘You recognise me but not Tate? Ha! That’s hilarious. Wait till I tell him.’ He holds up his hands when her face drops. ‘That was a joke. A badly timed one I’ll admit. Can I presume you’ve been doing a bit of online searching?’

‘I’m just trying to get my head around things.’

‘I get that. I’d imagine there’s a fair bit to get your head around. So, your gran summoned me. She thought I’d be able to help you out.’

She checks the screen on her phone then looks up at him again. ‘I thought she was getting me his number.’

‘Tate’s not keen on me handing out his number to random women, not saying you’re a random woman of course. Between you and me he can attract a few interesting folk. Not that I’m including you in that either. Wow, I’m on a roll with the foot in mouth comments today, huh. Can I come in?’

‘Sorry. Of course.’

He steps inside and sits on the stairs. ‘So,’ he says as he scratches his beard. ‘I’m kind of on borrowed time. We’re in the studio for the day. I’ve got about two hours while Tate does his bit and he notices I’ve done a runner. I also need to get back before he calls the Garda.’

‘What? Why would he do that?’

He grins sheepishly and points to the black pickup parked outside the house. ‘I may have borrowed his truck. Can’t resist winding him up whenever I can.’ Gregg rests his elbows on the step behind him and stretches out.

‘My dear buddy wasn’t forthcoming with all the details, so let’s see if I got this straight. You met Tate. He introduced himself. You didn’t recognise him. Not a crime by the way. Tate realised but didn’t enlighten you. For the record, I told him that would backfire but so far I’ve kept away from the I told you so’s. He’s really not in the mood for that. Anyway, he eventually tells you the truth and you’re quite naturally upset. End of Tate and Chloe. Am I right?’

‘I guess so.’

‘Thought so. Idiot. Him not you. I’ll let you in to a little secret. Coming here to get you isn’t entirely a selfless act. Myself, Dillon, and Luke are enjoying a fantastic day stuck in the studio with Tate. When I say enjoying I’m being as sarcastic as I can be. The fucker is like a bear with a sore head.’

‘In that case I’m not sure me getting in touch would be such a good idea.’

Gregg shakes his head. ‘No. That’s not what I mean. He’s angry at himself. Downright furious actually. He thinks he’s messed things up with you for good. Has he?’

‘I don’t know,’ she replies truthfully. ‘I do like him, but he... I think I need to talk to him.’

‘Please do. For all our sakes. There isn’t enough coffee in the world to help us deal with him.’

‘Okay. So what’s the plan?’

‘Your Prince Charming is singing his little heart out so I’m going to take you to him.’

‘Are you sure he’ll be okay with this? I mean I was just planning on talking to him. I don’t want to land on him while he’s working.’

‘He’ll be more than okay with this.’ Gregg looks her up and down and makes a face. ‘Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m not so sure the pyjama and fluffy sock combo is the look you want to go for in this particular situation.’

She looks down at her baggy pyjama bottoms and grimaces. ‘Oh God. Can you give me a few minutes?’