Page 93 of Naughty Festivities


Amelia stood in frontof the tank of Seahorses and stared. They were incredible.

“When I was a kid, I thought these were make-believe,” she confessed.

“Same,” Jack said, his hand on her hip.

“Really?” Amelia spun and glanced up into Jack's handsome face, grinning.

He dropped a kiss on her lips. “Yup. I mean, look at them. It’s like science fiction.”

“Right?” She turned back and fought the tightness in her chest.

She loved this man so much.

Perfect seemed like such a stupid word to use considering what had happened between them, and yet when they were together, it was like they were peanut butter and jelly, salt and pepper, bacon and eggs.

A perfect match.

Yet, she couldn’t fight the fear lingering like an unpleasant smell of letting down her guard and risk being hurt again.

She didn’t know if she could trust Jack.

Amelia knew him intimately, but she didn’tknowthe man. How did she know he wasn’t someone who slept with his assistants often? How could she be sure he was telling the truth?

What she did know was that he hadn’t been in the media before. After Googling him when they were apart, she learned he’d been married and was now divorced. There had been no scandals. No media about him with any women.

He seemed to have a clean record.

Well, until now.

And it did sound like he’d been set up. Not that what he’d done was excusable and the nice thing about listening to him explain the complicated situation was that he seemed to have taken responsibility for his actions.

Amelia was doing the same thing. She had overreacted to learning about Cindy because she didn’t trust. The situation had triggered her, and she’d immediately accused him of keeping the truth from her.

But at what point should Jack have told her?

Not the first night? She was the one who had insisted in those early days that their relationship wasn’t going anywhere. So then, after they confessed their love?

It was tough, as she could see why he was hoping it would all go away; even so, she would need to have been told at some point.