Page 94 of Naughty Festivities

That was the bit that kept sticking her.

Did he truly realize that honesty was an essential part of a marriage? What else would he keep from her becausehedeemed it not important? Or tried to clean up his misdemeanors?

Could she risk getting hurt again?

He made her so damn happy, but was it enough?

Amelia had trust issues after so many relationship failures; she knew that, but this wasn’t just a fear. She believed it was grounded in genuine concern.

After leaving the aquarium, they grabbed some cold drinks from Starbucks and sat on the beach under palm trees.

Behind them, the Waikiki Festival was underway, with thousands of people wandering around and local bands playing. There were stalls with gifts and food, their aromas wafting their way. It was a tropical version of the Christmas Village they’d first visited when they met in Philly.

“Hungry?” Jack asked as the sun began to fall in the sky.

“I’m still full from our lunch,” Amelia confessed.

“Me too,” Jack said, stretching out his legs and leaning to kiss her shoulder.

She leaned her head on his arm and watched the tourists as they took photos of the sunset. The sun looked like it was floating in the ocean with a bright orange haze.

“So beautiful.” She sighed.

“I agree,” Jack said, gazing down at her.

“Stop. Look at it.” Amelia grinned. “Can you imagine living here and seeing this every day?”

“I can imagine you in my life and loving you every day. If you will let me.”

Amelia froze. “Don’t propose.”

“Why not?”

“We’re not there yet.” Amelia frowned.

Jack turned his body to hers. “What will it take? Because I want to get past this.”

Frustration began to chip away at her patience and still fragile emotions. “Jack.”

“I mean it. You can’t tell me you don’t love me anymore, Amelia. I can see it every time you look at me.”

“Of course not. I do. I know what we have is amazing, and that’s why I’m so mad. I just don’t understand any of it.” She huffed.

Jack sighed, irritating her further. Like she was the nuisance here.

“Sweetheart, I know I fucked up. I’ve explained it over and over. I couldn’t tell you, or anyone. For legal reasons to begin with.”

“Jack, you were going to ask me to marry you. Back in Philly.”

“Yes.” He nodded.

God, he really didn’t get it.

“Do you not think I deserved to know maybe a day or two before you did that? So I had all the information before saying vows to spend my life with you?”

He glared at her.

“Answer me,” she insisted.