Page 37 of Naughty Festivities


“Why are you here?”Amelia asked, rinsing her hands in the sink of her studio. She’d had two bedrooms renovated and built into a large studio when she bought the five-bedroom Fitler Square luxury home.

She’d considered renting a different space, but because she worked at all hours of the night and day when creative inspiration struck, she decided being at home would be more convenient and safer.

Plus, being single had its perks.

She could work when she liked and have no interruptions. Although she wouldn’t mind being interrupted if it came in the form of Jack and the incredible things he did to her.

Right now, her body was aching deliciously.

Moments ago, Amelia had been daydreaming about her night—and morning—while plastering her latest sculpture. Then she’d heard a throat clear behind her.

Giving her brothers access might have been a good idea once. Now, she was rethinking it.

“I’ve brought you dinner because I know you won’t have eaten,” Aidan said, leaning his massive frame against her doorway and lifting two bags of Thai takeout.

Damn, now she couldn’t be mad at him. She opened her mouth to speak, but he cut in.

“Yes, lemongrass chicken. Come eat. Now.” Aidan pushed away from the door and walked away, knowing she’d follow because the delicious aroma was now reaching her.


It wasn’t like she couldn’t cook. She could. Heck, she even had a La Cornue stove and Meneghini refrigerator. If that wasn’t tempting enough, then her Mugnaini Wood-Fired Pizza Oven would do it. But the novelty had worn off after a year or two, and very little could drag her from her art when she was in the zone.

Amelia grabbed her mobile, noticing all the missed calls and taking note that it was well after eight in the evening.


Time disappeared when she was working, and apparently, so did her hearing.

She flicked through the messages and found one from Jack. Her heart pounding, she quickly swiped to open it.

How’s your day sexy? I can’t wait to spend the day with you tomorrow.

Her heart fluttered as she lifted her head, staring into space with a stupid smile on her face.

“Amelia!” Aidan yelled.
