Page 68 of Naughty Festivities

The one.

The one for him, just as he is for me.

Was there just one person for everyone?

Before she’d met Jack, she had started to think the whole happy-ever-after loving, unconditional thing was total rubbish.

Even though her family was filled with happy couples, she had cynically wondered if they had fast-forwarded ten years, how many of them would still be together?

No one could ever accuse her of being Cupid.

Now, after spending nearly two weeks with Jack, Amelia never dreamed she could be this happy.

The sex was amazing, but it was the times in between when they were doing mundane things like brushing their teeth side by side in her bathroom or just lying beside one another, gazing into each other’s eyes. She felt stupidly happy and never wanted to be apart from him.

He never ran from her.

He never shut down.

He never disconnected.

Jack wasn’t shy about letting her know how he felt, and she was pretty sure he was feeling as deeply about her as she was about him. But he hadn’t said the three little words. They hung in the air like led balloons and she was dying for him to say them.

And yet, she was scared as hell.

What did it mean if he did? Or if she did?

Would she move to Washington? Would he want her to? Could she leave her family?

The truth was, with Jack, Amelia felt like she could do anything.

And she knew her friends and brothers would say he was just another guy she’d rushed into things with, and he wasn’t good enough.

Stella had told her to take it slow in the end.

Perhaps she was right, but every cell in her body wanted to keep this man forever.

Now, as she lay on the Moroccan Wool rug in front of her fireplace and Jack lazily lifted her sweater and wrapped his mouth around her nipple, Amelia moaned and wished time would stop.

“Let’s get these off,” Jack said, tugging down her leggings. Then taking his own clothes off.

As the fire flickered, casting a reflection on his beautiful, wide chest, she lay there playing with her diamond.

“Fuck, you are stunning,” Jack said, lifting her arms overhead and tying them with her leggings.

Her Lululemon leggings.

Eh, she’d buy some more if they got damaged. He was worth it.

“What are you doing?” she asked, following his hands with her eyes.

“Taking full control.” Jack kissed her mouth, then moved further up her body as he fisted his cock. “Open this sexy mouth for me, sweetheart.”

Oh, God.

Fire shot to her core as she flattened her tongue while he guided himself into her mouth. The bareness of her untouched and exposed lower half was almost seductive in itself.

She needed him to touch her and yet his cock inside her mouth while her arms remained bound had her body thrumming.