Page 67 of Naughty Festivities

“Jack,” Amelia gasped, taking in the two-carat teardrop diamond charm hanging from the gold chain. “It’s beautiful.”

“For a beautiful woman. Turn around,” Jack said.

Amelia lifted her hair, pulling it over her shoulder as she spun.

Clasping it, Jack kissed her neck and down her shoulder. Then nibbled her ear before giving her very clear instructions.

“I want all these clothes off, and you spread out on your bed with just the diamond lying between your gorgeous breasts.”


The next few days wentby in a flash. They made love and hid away from the world now that the media was trying to catch Jack with his mystery woman.

AKA her.

It was two days before New Year's Eve, and Amelia thought Jack seemed restless as if something was bothering him.

She wondered if it was the same thing she had on her mind. That she was madly and deeply in love with him.

She’d tried to fight it, coming up with a million excuses—she’d even rung Stella and told her she was Ice-skate Girl as the media had penned her. Stella was happy for her.

“I think I’m falling in love with him,” Amelia confessed.

“Okay, hold the bus. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard you say this,” Stella replied.

Which was a fair thing to say. But given he was exactly the sort of man she swore she would never date, let alone fall for, Amelia was a little bewildered and thought maybe this time it was different.

Then she began to sabotage and wonder if he was entirely wrong for her.

Maybe Jack was too perfect. Maybe the Christmas festivities and all the carol singing were getting to her, and they were just living in this fake bubble of romance that would burst at any minute.

But she really felt like this time it could be different.

Maybe it could even last forever.

“This feels different. I can’t explain how. Jack makes me feel like I’m the only woman in his universe. Like I’m a precious diamond. Like I’m...”