Page 55 of Naughty Festivities

He didn’t care. Amelia was so fucking adorable there was no way he wasn’t kissing her right now. Jack slammed his mouth down on hers and kissed the life out of her.

This had been one of the best weeks of his life. He’d made love, laughed, talked until dawn, watched Amelia sleeping, and helped her cook while playing, running his hands over her. Apparently, that wasn’t helping.

She still wouldn’t show him her artwork, but the barriers around her heart were melting. Little by little.

When he was at his mom’s, they were texting each other. When they were together watching a show, they stared at each other, ignoring the TV.

Jack was pretty sure this was called falling in love, even if neither of them had planned it.

“Senator,” Abe called out.


Jack released her mouth, knowing what that warning meant. Abe had been his private security for years. He knew his tone.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

“I’m not sorry,” he said as Amelia caught her breath. “I will kiss you every day for the rest of my life if you let me. But right now, we need to get out of here.”

“Damn you, Jack Rutherford. You are insane,” Amelia said as Jack pulled off his jacket and covered her face.

Helping her stand, they skated to the gate, where a couple of mainstream media cameras were clicking away. Abe stood in their way as he opened the gate and lifted his arm to guide Jack and Amelia through.

“Senator, who is the lucky lady?” one journalist called out.

“Can we get your name?” another asked.

“How long has this romance been going on for?”

“Is it serious?”

“Will there be a proposal?”


Then they crunched their way out of the park and out to his waiting car. When Amelia pulled her glasses off and glared at him, he rubbed his jaw and smiled.

“Still not sorry,” he said, leaning forward and kissing her again.

“You should. You’re going to have to deal with that.” Amelia slapped his arm.

“I have people.”

“I have big, and I mean big, brothers.”

“Sweetheart, you might have noticed I’m not a small guy, and I’m a senator.” Jack laughed.

Abe let out a snigger from the front seat.

“And you are just as arrogant as them.” She flopped into the leather and pulled off her wig.

His phone beeped.

Help. The ladder just fell and gave me a heart attack.

The hell?

“Excuse me,” Jack said, pushing send. His mom answered. “First, tell me you are joking about the heart attack.”