Page 56 of Naughty Festivities

“What? Oh, yes, of course I am. I’m not that old,” she replied. “But it fell down suddenly with a crash, and I nearly... well, not nearly, but it gave me a big fright. It’s Christmas Day tomorrow. Everyone is coming over. Can you come by and fix it, darling?”

Jack glanced at Amelia.

He didn’t want to lose a minute with her, but tomorrow they would be spending it with their families. Separately.

“I’ll be over in twenty minutes,” he said, then leaned forward, speaking to the driver. “We need to head over to my mom’s.”

As he rerouted, Amelia sat upright. “What?”

“It’s fine. She’ll make you a hot cocoa while I fix her ladder.” Jack smiled, taking her hand.

“Hire a handyman. Hell, I’ll pay for it. I’m not meeting your mom.” Amelia looked panicked.

He laughed, wrapping an arm around her. “No, and no. It’s Christmas Eve, and it will take me ten minutes. Don’t worry, she won’t try to marry us.”

“That’s not...”

“It is.”

“No. I just look a mess and I’m sure she doesn’t want me there.”

“You’re important to me. She wants you there,” Jack said. Then his voice lowered. “Just do this for me, please.”

Her eyes softened, and he watched her melt, relaxing into him. “Fine. For you.”

Jack took her lips and kissed her for a really long time as the car rushed through the traffic.



Meeting Jack’s mom was not part of the deal. Amelia was pretty sure meeting the family was not how holiday flings usually went.

Then again, nor did getting photographed by the media while on a romantic date. She was crossing her fingers that nobody recognized her. The wig was bad; she knew that, but it might save her.

Still, she was more worried about meeting Jack’s mom right now. The last thing she wanted was to get more involved in his life.