Page 22 of Naughty Festivities


Amelia felt like shewas in a fairytale. Obviously not, but she was in the arms of a tall, gorgeous man who had swept her off her feet, made her laugh and was now kissing her as the snow fell around them.

Romantic much?


And boy, could he kiss.

Her body pressed against Jack’s as his tongue swept inside, taking complete ownership of not just her mouth but her entire body. How she was still standing, Amelia had no idea.

The world had all but disappeared except for the tiny spot where they stood as Jack’s muscular arms held her tight against him.

And lord, he tasted like malt and Christmas spice.

“Let me take you home,” he rasped against her lips.

“I shouldn’t.”

“Perhaps, but say yes, anyway. I’ll make you feel so good, sweetheart. You’ll be praying for me to do it a second time.”

“I don’t pray.”

“You will tonight.” Jack’s lips twitched, and for the love of God, he had dimples.


Tall, blond, blue-eyed, and dimples.

She wasn’t that strong.

“Abe, can you send the car around?” Jack said, casting a quick look over his shoulder.

“You bet,” his private security guy replied.


IT DIDN’T TAKE THEMlong to drive to Jack’s apartment, given it was just a few blocks away. Amelia stepped out of the elevator and into a space she would describe as modern, tidy, with good minimalistic design.

In other words, it was unlived in.

“I had them open the place up and stock it, but I haven’t been here since last New Year's Eve,” Jack confessed, reading her reaction.

“So, you never come home. Ever?” she asked, surprised.

“No. Except Christmas,” Jack replied, taking their coats.

“But you have family here,” she said, spotting a few photos on a table. Amelia walked over and picked one up. Jack was standing with his parents, and she suspected his sister. They both had cheeky grins, and she imagined them being told to stop playing the fool for the photo.

Then giggling.

He was close to his sister, obviously, and that made her like him even more. But she had to remind herself he wasn’t someone she would be having a relationship with.

“They visit me in D.C. occasionally,” Jack said, walking over. She felt the heat of his body from behind. “My father died a few years ago.”