Page 21 of Naughty Festivities

He’d gone into politics, not with blinkers on, but with a drive to fix all the wrongs in the United States, and it had slowly been chipped away at by reality.

People hated change.

Governments, even more so.

He couldn’t change the world, but he could make sure the small part he played in it was honest and focused on contributing to the well-being of people, animals, and the planet.

As holy as that, all sounded.

Except for that Cindy moment he’d had in his office a few months ago. That had put a small dent in his supposed halo.

Jack knew he wasn’t perfect and regretted it immensely.

Feeling Amelia on his arm, he wondered if this was the start of dating again.

He could never let what happened before Thanksgiving happen again. Nor would he.

“No, I guess not,” Jack said. “But the bigger mystery is what you do. Artist of some kind. Let me see. A musician.”

They rounded the corner and walked past the gigantic Christmas tree where soft carols were playing. The crowds had begun to thin out, and it was time to head home.

Hopefully, with Amelia.

“Nope. You’ll never work it out,” she said, swinging her bags in her other hand.

“Pole dancer,” he teased.

She began to giggle, and his face broke out into another big smile. When was the last time he’d smiled and laughed this much?

Jack couldn’t remember.

“Correct,” Amelia said. “I spend most of my days in little nipple stars and a thong.”

“God, I’d pay to see that. Take me to your workplace immediately,” Jack ordered, tugging on her arm. Amelia landed on his chest mid-laugh and then let out a sexy little gasp. He ran his hand down her back, stopping at her hip, and pressed her closer.

Then, snowflakes began to fall around them.

“You have two seconds to run if you don’t want me to kiss you,” Jack said, counting to one before his mouth crushed down on hers.

At last.