Page 44 of The Darkest Nights

“Nothing, what do you mean?” He screws up his face like it’s out of the question that he would ever not be okay and that makes me even madder.

“Don’t you fucking lie to me. Have you seen yourself? You look like an extra on The Walking Dead.” I snap.

He lets out an exasperated sigh. “There's nothing wrong. I just need a haircut.” He pushes the hair out of his eyes and smiles but I can see it for what it is, fake. He might be able to fool everyone else but not me.

“Alek, I'm seriously worried about you. You’re not acting like yourself, it's like the light has gone from you. Please talk to me, just because I’m not in the country doesn’t mean I'm not here for you.”

“I'm fine.” He snaps, pausing for a moment and letting out another more frustrated sigh. “I’m just exhausted. This court date is hanging over my head, I still need to pay Reyes back. I've barely got a chance to breathe.” He finishes in a much softer tone. He’s trying to downplay his situation but I know my brother better than I know myself and he’s seriously depressed. I can't help but feel the pang of guilt that hits my chest.

“What can I do? I hate seeing you like this.”

“Come home?” He laughs in a hollow tone.

My heart clenches in my chest. It's the last thing I want to do but if he says he needs me, I'll drop everything and fly home tonight.

“If you need me to come home, I will. I'll book a flight now?” I can feel the tears prick the back of my eyes at the thought of leaving my life here behind and going back to London but I force myself not to cry.

“No, it was a joke. I'm fine. I don’t want you to come home for me, I want you to live your life.”

“I’m serious. Say the word and I'll get on a plane.” I know he's just being proud. I just want him to know that I’ll be by his side whenever he needs me. Even if that means leaving the place I’ve built a real life for myself.

“Yes, I know. One call and my sister will come running to the rescue.” He scoffs, he's deflecting. I know if I press any harder he’s going to lose his temper with me and the last thing I need right now is a fallout with him.

“It wouldn't be the first time.” I sing-song, my chin tilted high.

He rolls his eyes, the atmosphere easing. “What you getting ready for anyway?”

I run the straighteners through a section of my hair, flicking it in at the end for some texture. “Just work.”

“Not going on another date with that guy then?” I tell him everything, always have. That’s why I find it hard to talk about Tom. It's probably the only secret I’ve ever kept from him.

“No, he hasn’t called or texted since.” I try to sound casual but it comes off with an edge.

He tries to hold in his laugh but doesn’t succeed. He pretends to clutch at his chest, feigning horror. “He's not dead is he?” I give him a blank stare. I abhor the dramatics.

I hate to say it because I know how it sounds but I’ve never had a problem with guys wanting to see me again, it's usually the opposite. I tend to attract stage-five clingers. Aleksy’s friends being the majority of them. So this is a first for me. Being rejected. One I am really not enjoying but It’s probably for the best. I can see myself getting attached to him and we definitely don’t want that.

“Could be, can't see any other reason why he hasn’t called,” I reply in an equally sarcastic tone.

Alek shakes his head. “Mate, your ego is getting out of hand.”

I shrug, flipping a new section of hair down. “Nah, self-love is important.” Fake it till you make it.

He rubs a hand over his face in amusement and lets out a quiet laugh. “Never change, Mira.”

“I don’t plan on it,” I say haughtily.

Another ringtone sounds in the background. “I'll speak to you later. The other phone’s ringing.”

“Love you,” I shout but he's already hung up. Not that he ever says it back but I think it's important that he knows.

I can’t help but feel anxious about him, I just can't seem to shake the feeling. He's always told me everything. It doesn't matter what it was, he could tell me. If he isn’t talking to me now, then I know for a fact he's not talking to anyone but in typical man style, he will push it down and ignore it until it bubbles up and he explodes. Only this time, I won’t be there to pull him through.

I’ve got half a mind to ignore him and book a flight home anyway but there’s a little selfish part of me that keeps telling me this is my one life and I should live it for myself.

It’s a little past midnight at the club and I've cashed out way early. I'm tired and my head just isn’t in it tonight. I'm in a bad mood. My brain is moving one hundred miles an hour and all I can think of is either Aleksy or annoyingly, Enzo.