Page 45 of The Darkest Nights

I’m sitting on the changing room floor in my pink track shorts and a comfy tee counting my money. It's practically empty up here as most of the girls are on the floor, there's just a couple milling about. I empty my bag of bills onto the floor and start flattening the crumpled notes out and stacking them into piles. It takes forever but it's by far my favourite part of the night. It's not been awful but pretty far from a decent night. I've totalled out at around $1500 after the house fee and tipping out the DJ etc.

I gather my money, tuck it in my purse, slip on my Jordans and make my way out to my car. As I exit the back door, I can see a tall broad figure standing against my car.

I take a deep breath. It's probably one of the guys I’ve danced for tonight being creepy but then the rage starts to build. Who the hell does he think he is leaning against my car? For one, I’ve just had it cleaned and two, it’s fucking rude. Before I storm over to ask him who he thinks he is, I do the smart thing and check that the bouncer is still standing at the door in case I need to call for help. He is.

As I get closer, I see how tall he is and how broad his shoulders are. I'd know that physique anywhere. It's Enzo. Warmth bubbles up inside my chest that he’s come to see me but I shove it down quick. It doesn’t stop the fact he didn’t call or text for a week. He turns to meet my eyes and it hits me again how attractive this man is.

He’s stood tall, imposing almost. His stubble and dark curls are freshly trimmed. A perfectly fitted suit, the top buttons of his dress shirt open to reveal a peak of smooth brown skin underneath. I stop myself there. I look him up and down with a blank expression. “Can I help you?”

His eyes roam over my body, that same hunger that was there in his kitchen, makes me feel achy and I really despise him for having such an effect on my body. “I’m not sure, can you?” His tone is teasing and I frown further, rolling my eyes.

“Can you remove your considerable bulk from my car, I don't want you to damage it. Again.”

He takes a couple of steps towards me, leaning his hand on the roof of my car. “Are you mad at me?”

I look from his hand, back to his face with a flat expression. “What would make you say that?”

“Because you're looking at me like you wanna hit me.”

Honestly, the amused look on his face is making me want to hit him, nothing else. I shrug my shoulders. “Nope, just thought you might have died or something.”

His smile widens. “And I’m seeing how you’re acting if you thought I was dead?”

I cross my arms, looking away from him. “Precisely”

He steps in front of me, forcing me back against my car as his other hand rests on the roof. He looks incredibly big like this. Towering over me, his obscenely strong arms caging me in. It doesn't make me frightened like I thought it might. It makes me want to melt into him and be as pliable as I can for him.

“Don’t lie to me, Casimira. You’re mad I didn’t call. And you’d be at least a little bit sad if I died. Let's not pretend otherwise.” I hate that I love how sure of himself he is. I also hate how much I love the way he says my full name. He steps into me again and I have to tilt my head to look up at him but I don’t back off, mainly because of my pride but also because I really love how it feels when his body presses up against mine. His voice dips low. “I tried to stay away from you. I thought it was best I didn’t call as I didn’t want to drag you into my shit.” He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear, finger brushing the shell.

“But you’re here now so, what changed?”

“My resolve is weak when it comes to you apparently.” He breathes. His hand moves to the nape of my neck and pulls me even closer so his nose brushes softly against mine. My lips lift into a satisfied smile and my chest warms.

Yes, I know. I’m gullible. I'm naive. I'm an idiot. Shut up.

“Good to know, I’ll remember that,” I whisper.

His lips twitch and he presses a soft kiss to my lips which isn’t nearly enough. I want more. I need more. “Come on, you're coming with me.” He grabs my hand leading me over to his car.

“And where do you think you're taking me?”

He glances back at me over his shoulder. “We didn’t finish our date.”

“But my car is here.”

“We can get it tomorrow.”

Tomorrow? I think about saying no just to knock him down a peg or two but who am I kidding? I’ve been dreaming about him fucking me for days now. I just know it's big. He's got that walk, you know the one. Wide strides. Their shoulders sway just a little bit and they have that silent confidence that you just know they’re packing. I shiver.

I stop in front of the passenger door. “Well at least let me drive? You’ve obviously had a drink.”

“Fuck no.” He laughs, stopping with a hand on the boot of the car.

“Why not?”

“Cause I’ve seen you’re driving and I don't trust it.” Bastard. He nods his head at the passenger door. “In.”

I frown but I do as I'm told. “Yours isn't any better,” I grumble, more for my ears than his as I toss my bag on the back seat and climb in, pulling my phone to text Hannah.