Page 16 of The Darkest Nights

I bite this inside of my bottom lip releasing it immediately when his eyes fix on my mouth. This is bad news, I can feel it and it excites me. I shouldn’t give him my number, self-preservation and all. I see the guy pull up next to my car in the same blacked-out Mercedes as the other night. E Class, practical of course but still an AMG and the Night Edition. Beast of an engine. It's pulling like 330 Horsepower. A smile starts to split my face. Mines 374. “I tell you what, I'll race you for it. If you win, you can have my number.”

His eyes darken and the corner of his lips curve upwards. “Are you sure you want to do that?”

I’m pretty confident in my driving and as much as I want to give him my number, I can tell it’s not a good idea but I also kind of like the idea of letting fate decide. And if I do lose, I can’t blame myself if I get hurt. I mean I’ve been wrong twice already today, what’s a third loss to add to the roster?

I raise my eyebrows. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

He leans in close, hovering his head beside mine. Not quite touching but close enough that I feel his breath ghosting the shell of my ear. “Because Casimira. I don’t lose.” The way my name rolls off his tongue sends shivers down my spine. I don’t think anyone's made my name sound that sexual before.

I turn my head to make eye contact with our faces mere inches away. My eyes dart down to his mouth and I get the urge to wet my lips but instead, I grin. “Neither do I.” I dart for my car, turning around to see him slide into his car with the smallest smile tugging at his face.

Formula - Labrinthcomes through the speakers as soon as I press the ignition and she roars to life. I rip my heels off the moment she's started, throwing them on the passenger seat.

He pulls forward, giving me room to get out of my space. I roll my window down and shout, “Whoever gets to Diamonds first!” I don’t give him a chance to reply. I flip it into sport mode, floor it into first and take off down the street, my rear wheels spinning on the tarmac.

It's just past 3 a.m. but we’re in New York, so there’s still plenty of cars on the road. I weave myself around two cabs and nearly miss a stop light. Easing off the gas ever so slightly, I check my rear-view mirror and I see his car fast approaching. I don’t shift gears up until I’m at 4000 revs at the least, getting the most out of her. I shift up into 5th, the movement smooth considering I haven't done anything like this in years. We're doing about 70mph now and he’s dangerously close behind me. He ran a red light but he’s stuck behind me so I put my foot to the floor. The speed building quickly as I shift into 6th. I’m pushing the car for the first time since I got her. I forgot how much I love this feeling.

He manages to get in front of me and I get a split-second view of his profile as he does. One hand resting on the top of the wheel, back leaning against the chair, face calm. He looks as if he’s stuck in traffic not going nearly 80mph on busy streets. A taxi pulls out in front of him and I take my chance shifting back down to 4th and taking a risky gap that has me wanting to breathe in. I barely hear the beeps as I fly past the cars putting myself in the lead.

I see the faint Diamonds sign ahead, the buildings are flashing by so quickly they’re starting to blur. I start laughing thinking I’ve got it in the bag when he pulls his car to the side in one fluid motion putting himself onto the wrong side of the road towards oncoming traffic. Both our cars are in line with each other's, his eyes aren’t forward on the road, but looking at me sideways through both of our windows. There’s a car coming straight for him and I start to panic. If this guy crashes just to get my number. Fucking hell.

The cars getting closer, honking their horn. But he’s still looking straight at me and just as I’m about to slam on my brakes so he can fall back into my lane he winks at me and shoots off quickly to pull in front of me, missing the other car by millimetres. Now I do have to slam on my brakes to stop from rear-ending him. Again.

A laugh bursts out of me. This guy is nuts, maybe crazier than me. I thought he was uptight but he’s got this dark side to him and honestly, I like it. I slow down to pull up my car on the side of the road. His car rolls to a stop next to me and we both roll down our windows.

“You're crazy,” I say, still high on adrenaline.

He throws me this roguish smile that makes him look very approachable. “I told you, I don’t lose.”

“That wasn’t even fair, you cheated.” I point out, even though it's not strictly true.

He shrugs. “You never specified the rules.” No, he’s not the guy to play fair at all. That’s the problem. He pulls his phone out. “Number.”

I shake my head, honestly not even mad that I lost. He’s my type down to a tee and I could use a bit of fun as long as it is just fun and I don’t get invested. I call my number out whilst he dials it into his phone.

“See you soon, Casimira.” He winks and speeds off before I can reply.

This is such a bad idea.

I wake up in the morning and stretch out in my bed. Going over the events of last night, I shouldn’t have given him my number. Enzo is the type of guy who eats girls up and spits them out. Not that I’m a walk in the park myself, but I wear my heart on my sleeve and I’m too quick to jump into things without a second thought.

I get out of bed and grab a quick shower actually remembering to do my skin care. I throw on these cute Palm Angels Black studded shorts I got the other day with a tank top and my black Jordans. After I brush through the mess that is my hair I go into the kitchen to grab myself a quick breakfast. Hannah and James to my surprise are already up looking very hungover and watching a movie on the sofa.

“What happened to you last night?” Hannah asks as I open up my cupboard. It’s filled mainly with the care package items my mum sends me. Sweets, cereal, chocolate. I don't cook much. My fingers hover over the chocolate shreddies but I settle on sweets instead. I grab the last two Dip Dabs and chuck one to Hannah. Her face lights up and I rip mine open with a satisfied sigh. Eating one of these feels like I'm six again, there's nothing like it. I plop myself down next to them with my breakfast lolly and bag of sugar and go through everything that happened last night.

Hannah lets out a loud laugh. “He beat you?”

“Yes, he drove like a crazy person. He could have given Aleksy a run for his money.” I would usually feel bitter about losing but I kind of respect him for it.

James rolls his eyes at the mention of Alek and I fight the urge to sneer at him. I don’t dislike James but he’s also not my favourite person. We’re civil for Hannah’s sake and nothing more. And just to clear things up, it’s not solely because of him and Aleksy. I think he could treat my best friend better. A lot better. “You should be careful with him, do you know who he is?” James says.

I frown at him, my face screwing up. “What do you mean, I thought he owned the club?”

“Yeah, but do you know what his family is?” I must have been looking confused cause James continues “The Morettis?” Like that’s meant to mean something to me?

“James, I have no clue what you're on about,” I say dragging the lolly around the Sherbert packet, soaking up every last spec.