Page 15 of The Darkest Nights

I cock my head to the side, trying to see past the act. “And do you?” He raises a brow in question. “Have morals?” I continue.

His eyes zero in on me, holding me in place as he drops his head slightly and brings our faces even closer. “Depends on the day.” His words are almost a whisper. My lips part and my stomach starts to flutter. He lets out a deep laugh pulling back to his original position. “Why would I strive to change the opinions of people that don't matter to me? I would think someone in your profession would understand me more than most.”

I can feel myself soften towards him even more. I get it. If I'm totally honest, it's the same thought I have. Why should I care what inconsequential people think of my chosen profession? Their opinions don't define me.

He winks at me and I find myself nodding with a smile, he smiles back and it makes me feel all warm inside. Like someone switched on a space heater in my chest.

“I will give you the family thing though, that was correct.”

“How kind of you.” I bat my eyelashes sarcastically, taking his lead to lighten the conversation.

He takes an intake of breath. “My turn.”

I drum my nails against the bar and swivel the chair so he can get a good look at me whilst I await his assessment. He doesn’t look me over like I did, only stares into my eyes like he’s reading my mind.

“British accent, specifically London; South. Still strong so you only moved here recently, I’d say in the last year. Your tattoos all seem to be numerical in some way, I’m guessing dates with sentimental value. that would lead me to believe you're a sentimental person, specifically family-oriented.” What. The. Fuck. I school my features. I’ll be damned if I let him know he’s got me spot on so far. “From the price tag on your outfit and the car you drive, you earn good money.”

“You already knew that though,” I interject.

He gives me an imploring look before carrying on. “It's important to you, you definitely didn’t come from money, you’ve made it on your own. You’re reckless, no thought for your own safety.”

“Hang on.” I start but he scoffs. “You drive around with your stage name on your plates.” Raises one eyebrow. “Parked directly outside the club no less.”

I click my tongue. “I don’t like this game anymore.”

He laughs and the sound has a smile tugging at my own lips. It’s deep and rumbling. The type you feel in your chest more than you hear. “You have to tell me what I got right now.”

Yeah, not a chance. “I don’t think I will actually.”

His smile widens and he leans in a fraction. “I got all of it right, didn’t I?” Usually, smugness annoys me to no end, but for some reason, I don't mind it on him.

I shake my head, a chuckle slipping out. “You're dangerous.”

“You think I'm dangerous yet here you are, standing all alone with me, telling me exactly what you think. You don’t have a filter on that mouth of yours, do you?” My breath catches and I feel as if my body temperature has risen 10 degrees. He has a way of making things sound seductive even though they’re not. He makes me nervous. I still hold his gaze because there's no way I'm letting him dominate this conversation more than he already is. One thing I've learnt over the years is that some men, you allow them to think they’re dominating the situation but you always make sure you have the upper hand. Other men, you need to make it clear they can't take what they want and roll right over you. That one was a hard lesson. A lesson that is useless against this man.

“No, I don't, it's constantly proving a problem for me.” An awkward laugh comes bubbling out of my mouth that shocks me. What the fuck was that laugh? What am I doing? I flirt with men for a living. I can do this in my sleep yet one conversation with him and I’m getting flustered like a girl who hasn’t had her first kiss yet.

He lets out a breath of amusement and turns himself towards the crowd leaning up against the bar. “So, you move over for family or work?”

I follow suit leaning my back against the bar and watching James and Hannah on stage. “Neither. A change of scenery I guess, I love it here. London was getting boring.”

He nods without looking at me. “You get bored easily.” It's more of a statement than a question. Another thing he’s guessed right.

“Yeah, I’ve got the attention span of a toddler I keep getting told.”

He lets out another deep laugh that sends goosebumps over my skin. I need to get out of here. This guy is bad news in the best way, this is exactly the type of man I will get lost in and I can't have my peace disturbed again.

I turn to face him, looking over his perfect features again one last time. I internally sigh because he really is beautiful. “I’m going to head out now, but it was nice to meet you. As Cas and not Silver.” Words I don’t say often but I do mean tonight.

He looks at me for a beat longer before saying, “I’ll get you a cab.” Oh great, he’s a gentleman too.

“Thank you but no, I’ve got my car with me.”

“I’ll walk you out then.” Again, it’s not a question. He’s stating the fact that he’s walking me out. He has a natural dominance to him, if we were in the food chain this man would be above everyone and everything else.

He puts his hand on my lower back to guide me out and the crowd parts for him like the Red Sea. I pull my phone out to send Hannah a text to let her know I'm leaving and also to try and distract myself from the liquid heat seeping from his hand straight down to my core. Why is he so warm? When we get outside he tells one of the security guards on the door to bring his car around whilst he walks me to my car.

Before I reach for the door handle, he grabs my wrist lightly and turns me so I’m facing him, pulling me closer to him as he does. So close, my body is nearly flush against his. “What's your number?” His voice is so smooth it's like honey. It's then that I realise this man could do my job better than I can.