But as she walks away, I already know that I’m going to stick with my choice. To move on, without Nick. To make a half-full life without him and to regret it every moment of every day.

If I can manage it, he and Vanessa and the girls will be secure. And I’ll have my promotion at the firm.

No matter how depressing, it’s a win-win.

Or, is it?

Chapter 24


It’sbeenalmostaweek since Blair shut me down, and I haven’t heard a thing. Not from her, anyway. I received a generic company email the next day stating that the paperwork was ready to be signed.

I haven’t had it in me to cross the line, to text her. Part of me is afraid I’ll do something like beg—the other part, something like track her down and unleash the frustration I’ve been trying to keep inside.

Pushing away thoughts of what could be, what should be, I pick up my phone and check it. No texts, which adds to the frustration. Vanessa is almost twenty minutes late.

We’re meeting in one of our favorite cafes—Wilde’s—full of cozy booths, flowers, and baked goods. Inhaling brings an intoxicating mix of coffee, vanilla, and baked sugar. Now annoyed, I stand and get in line, no longer willing to wait.

It’s a short line made up of a few women who giggle and occasionally shoot glances my way. They throw their hair back over their shoulders, shift from foot to foot in their workout pants, and complain loudly about their husbands. My patience wears thin. Luckily, Vanessa shows up to distract me.

“Ordering without me?”

“You’re late.” She rolls her eyes, but I can see that she’s frustrated too. “What’s up?”

“Scarlett got in trouble at school. Sounds like she’s been getting mouthy with some nasty girls instead of just ignoring them.”

“Mmm. Sounds just like her mama.”

I laugh as Vanessa’s face twists in displeasure. We get to the counter and order: a macchiato, a mocha, and two scones. I add on a breakfast sandwich at the last minute, realizing I’m absolutely starving.

Back at the table Vanessa settles in and is suddenly all-business. I raise my brows at the change in demeanor as she tosses me a folder.

“Blair wanted to make sure this got to you.”

So Blair really meant it. She doesn’t want to see me again. I flip the folder open and check to see if these are the papers that need my signature. They are indeed. I’ll just need to sign and mail them securely back to the firm.

Vanessa is watching me closely, so I slip a pen out of my jacket pocket and sign quickly. All the little tabs show me where to sign. Initial, signature, initial, initial.

When I’m finished I flip the folder shut quickly. Like closing a door on a long-held desire.

“I’m surprised at you, Nick. I didn’t think you’d give up so easily.”

I look up at my sister. The expression on her face tells me she knows everything. But I need to make sure.

“Did you see her?”

“I did. Last week, after you were so upset. I went to the firm.”

I let out an explosive breath, sitting back, scone forgotten. “Did she—is she okay? She looks okay? The baby—?”

“She’s fine.” Vanessa waves the questions off. “But I don’t know what you were thinking, just walking away from her.”

I huff out a laugh. “Are you fucking serious? Vanessa, she told me to leave her alone. She told me not to contact her again under any circumstances. I’m assuming this,” I gesture at the folder, “is part of that request. Otherwise, she’d be here herself, wouldn’t she?”

Vanessa looks sad for a moment, but then returns to the ready-to-give-a-lecture big sister. “Here’s the thing. I don’t think it’s all on her.”

“Oh, really. How do you figure?” Can’twaitto hear this.