“You had a choice, Nick. You could have stayed.”

“I don’t think you understand me, Vanessa. She told me to leave her alone.”

“Right. But, I know you. You’re stubborn. So, what’s really going on? Why aren’t you fighting harder?”

I go quiet, her question sitting like a boulder on my chest. It’s something I haven’t wanted to consider before. Because Vanessa is right. I should’ve fought harder. I should have done everything in my power to keep Blair, to keep the baby in my life.

“I think… I think I just can’t trust anyone. Not really.”

Her face screws up into an incredulous expression. “Trust? What reason has Blair given you not to trust her?”

“For starters, she’s been keeping something from me this whole time. Let’s overlook the fact that she didn’t tell me about the pregnancy right away.” I ignore Vanessa’s indignant huff. “I mean, I’ve thought about it. I’ve wondered if it’s just because I’m fucked up and no one would want me. But I don’t know. I don’t think that’s it. There’s another reason she’s pushing me away, and she won’t tell me. So why would I trust her?”

Vanessa is silent, her eyes calculating as she listens.

“Does this have to do with Callie?” she asks.

I sigh, having known this was coming. Over the years Vanessa has tried to talk to me about what happened. About why I broke up with her. I always managed to turn the conversation or found a way out of it, but maybe now is as good a time as ever to delve into my insecurities.

“Yeah, okay? Maybe.”

“So, what… you think Blair just wants your money?”

“What? No. Of course not. That’s ridiculous.”

Relief flickers across her face, catching my curiosity. I continue, “Blair does well enough for herself. But that’s what I’m talking about. If the woman I’m interested in can’t be honest with me, do I really want to risk letting her into my life?”

We sit in silence for a few moments, both of us thinking back to the past. I’m not sure where Vanessa’s at, in her head. I’m fighting off memories of Callie and me and how much I loved her. Of the heartbreak of cutting her off abruptly, of my dad’s resolute support when it all went down.

But then another memory comes back to me.

“Blair…” I trail off, but Vanessa glances up, paying attention. “Blair pointed something out a while ago. About that whole thing… that I wasn’t set to inherit anything yet.”

There’s a flash of guilt across Vanessa’s features and she shifts uneasily. “Nick. It’s time I told you about… that.”

“About what?”

“About what Dad did. What he told you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just… think about it. Okay? But back then, was there any solid proof? Did he show you proof that she was after your money? Anything? Or did he just do what he always does, talk, so damn self-assured?” She sneers, crossing her arms at the thought of our father, and my brain works to keep up.


She’s right.

I never saw any evidence, but… “Dad told me he had the lawyers look everything over. That she was already opening a separate account, one she could move money into…”

“Did you see it though? Proof of that account?”

The truth hits me hard. “No.”

Vanessa breathes out and nods. “I need to tell you what happened. I overheard him. Back then. Remember Reginald?”

“Dad’s lawyer?” He’d passed only a few years ago.

“Yeah. I overheard him and Reginald. Talking about how to orchestrate it. When to tell you. But I knew from the way they were talking that it wasn’t real.” She shakes her head, brows knit. “I just couldn’t prove it, and mom had just passed, and I was leaving for my honeymoon the next day and he threatened to cut out Greg—”