Page 34 of Heartless Doctor

I wanted to tell him I was sorry for disappearing that might. I could just sleep at the hospital because staying anywhere near him, even comfortably dressed, was a dangerous move and would cause me to pounce. But then Chloe seemed excited about the idea of me spending time at their home.

"How about I cook you both something?" I asked.

"You can cook?" He raised a brow.

"Rude," I frowned, "When you stay alone for as long as I have, you automatically pick up cooking as a hobby."

"I don't know if I'm to feel bad for you or feel impressed," he said.

I realized what I had just said. He had a point.

"Just do the latter," I said.

"I don't think so, I already feel sorry," he said with a smirk. "To think you're also company-deprived."

"Hey, don't make fun of people's misfortune." I crossed my arms.

"Is Daddy making you upset?" Chloe asked.

"Yes he is, and he's being a big meanie," I replied. "Tell him off."

"Off! Daddy off!" Chloe repeated as she poked at his face. "Bad Daddy, bad Daddy."

"Ouch, okay, fine. I'll stop," he gave up then frowned at me. "Turning my daughter against me."

He was so cute.

"I didn't do no such thing," I said. "She just knows you're a bad Daddy."

"I'll let you cook, but I swear if you make my angel's tummy to hurt, I will hurt you," he warned.

In a way I could tell he was joking and not joking at the same time. It was nice to know I wasn't the only one with daughter complex.

"And Olivia, if your loneliness is your misfortune, Chloe and I will make sure to turn it around," he promised me.

I looked at him; the serious look he had on his face was the same one he had when he told me I was beautiful. My heart started to pound again. I wasn't going to tell him, but the both of them kind of looked like a family I never had, or the one I had lost.

"Thank you Ben," I said.

"What about me?! I told daddy off," Chloe reminded.

"And thank you too Chloe, I don't know what I would have done without you," I said to her.

Chloe giggled and stretched her arms to me, "Your turn."

I took her and boy was she heavy. Sophia lost a lot of weight during her last months. I was carrying her a lot and watched my baby become lighter and lighter unable to do anything to help.

Chloe gave me a glimpse of what it would be like to have Sophia still alive at that time. My stomach growled interrupting the little moment of peace the three of us had.

"Was that your tummy?" Chloe asked.

My cheeks changes color as I looked at Ben. He was amused by what happened but didn't say anything. He looked like he was on the verge of laughing, a vein forming on the side of his head as he tried his best not to laugh as my tummy stupidly growled a second time. I had completely forgotten about food.

He let out a deep breath, and asked Chloe, "Sweetie, are you hungry?"

Clever move to ask her so we could all get something to eat together.

"Yes I am, but Miss Olivia is hungrier. Her tummy is making a funny sound," Chloe said ruining the plan.