Page 33 of Heartless Doctor

"Most of them are asleep," Matter replied with joy. "Afternoon nap after story time is kind of automatic."

"You have story time here?!" Olivia's eyes sparkled.

"Shh, not so loud," Martha giggled. "We have story time after we give them lunch."

"The hospital provides free meals for the kids?" Olivia asked.

"Provides free meals for all patients," Martha corrected.

Olivia turned to look at me in awe. I shrugged... but I was feeling a little proud of myself for adding that policy.

"I think I'm going to like it here," Olivia said with a smile.

"I'm glad to have you here," Martha said to her. "It's good to meet someone who shares the love of children. I like that."

"It's good to meet a comrade as well," Olivia said.

"See you soon," Martha said, "I'm going to check on my babies."

"Have fun," Olivia said.

We watched Martha disappear from sight.

"Ben, thank you for the opportunity to work here," Olivia said. "I know things happened, but I'm glad it won't affect my work here."

"You're welcome," I said.

Well, her work area was settled. The only problem was her living area.

"Daddy, what are we having for dinner?" Chloe asked.

"I don't know," I replied, "Do you have any requests, Olivia?"

"Hmm?" Olivia raised a brow.

"Ethan didn't tell you?" I asked, "you're living with us."

"Yayy," Chloe cheered, "I'll show you my room."

Chapter seven

The Makeshift Family


I was born in London. When my father was still alive, dinner was our time to bond. If he had work to do that night, he'd stop by around seven pm and go for his night shift by eight. Well, as he died, I had to spend dinnertime alone.

When I started dating my ex-boyfriend up to the point when I was pregnant, he made sure he had dinner with me so I wasn't alone. It wasn't a lot, but it meant something; he made sure I felt warm. When Sophia was born, I thought that I had gotten a dinner partner for life. Even when she was confined to the hospital, I spent most of my time watching over and sleeping next to her.

The hospital I worked for didn't bother me with a lot of work, just so I could spend more time with my daughter. It was after Sophia died and there was no one else to spend or have dinner with, that I realized that I was alone.

I got to know about that pub because I enjoyed the atmosphere. Chaotic, yes, but it didn't make me feel lonely. I played my snooker alone though, except when I had those Lady Luck moments where guys would try to pay for my drinks with a free game.

I would win all the games, and they'd call it quits. Sure I never went home with any of them, but I did enjoy their company. Going back home to my apartment and falling asleep all alone to the sound of the water dripping in the sink was my only comfort. Until Ben happened.

When Dr. Sullivan… the Ethan one, told me I'd be spending the nights at my new boss's house, I was worried that I would make them uncomfortable. When I realized I'd be staying with Ben, my worries shifted from Will they be okay staying with me? to Will I be able to last staying with them?

We didn't say anything about that night, but it wasn't like keeping silent would make it like nothing at all had happened. So, when he reminded me that I was going to stay with him… the memories came back. As I touched his arm, before Martha interrupted, I was reminded of how it felt to be held.